Animal Ethics

Written by keltan last updated

Animal Ethics relates to how we ought to treat Non-Human Animals. Current treatment of animals is potentially a moral emergency. Though these discussions are underway.

 “There is no fundamental difference between humans and animals in their ability to feel pleasure and pain, happiness, and misery.”  
- Darwin

The question is not, 'Can they reason?' nor, 'Can they talk?' but rather, 'Can they suffer?'
- Jeremy Bentham


Animal Ethics covers a lot of ground, including but not limited to:
Animal Rights, Vegetarian/Veganism, Diet, Effectiveness of these methodologies, Nutrition, Industrial Meat Production, Sentience, History, Animal Welfare, Speciesism, Other things?

(If your post relates to Non-Human Animals and their internal states, it probably belongs here)

For Further Info, Here is an introduction by Peter Singer


Those who play in these woods should dance with care, the forest is dense here, it is easy to trip on a root or your foot.

Unfortunately, there are few topics you less want to come up at a non-rational dinner party than Animal Ethics as it can be highly contentious. 
Before engaging with this section of LessWrong, weather you believe Non-Human Animals deserve rights or not, please take a deep breath... and remember your training as a rationalist.