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unless the nondisparagement provision was mutual

This could be true for most cases though


That seems like a valuable argument. It might be worth updating the wording under premise 2 to clarifying this? To me it reads as saying that the configuration, rather than the aim, of OpenAI was the major red flag.


My impression is that post-board drama, they’ve de-emphasised the non-profit messaging. Also in a more recent interview Sam said basically ‘well I guess it turns out the board can’t fire me’ and that in the long term there should be democratic governance of the company. So I don’t think it’s true that #8-10 are (still) being pushed simultaneously with the others.

I also haven’t seen anything that struck me as communicating #3 or #11, though I agree it would be in OpenAI’s interest to say those things. Can you say more about where you are seeing that?


So the argument is that Open Phil should only give large sums of money to (democratic) governments? That seems too overpowered for the OpenAI case.


In that case OP’s argument would be saying that donors shouldn’t give large sums of money to any sort of group of people, which is a much bolder claim


I was more focused on the ‘company’ part. To my knowledge there is no such thing as a non-profit company?


Noting that while Sam describes the provision as being about “about potential equity cancellation”, the actual wording says ‘shall be cancelled’ not ‘may be cancelled’, as per this tweet from Kelsey Piper:


Instances in history in which private companies (or any individual humans) have intentionally turned down huge profits and power are the exception, not the rule.

OpenAI wasn’t a private company (ie for-profit) at the time of the OP grant though.


Is that not what Altman is referring to when he talks about vested equity? My understanding was employees had no other form of equity besides PPUs, in which case he’s talking non-misleadingly about the non-narrow case of vested PPUs, ie the thing people were alarmed about, right?

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