Garrett Baker

Independent alignment researcher


Isolating Vector Additions

Wiki Contributions


You may be interested in this if you haven’t seen it already: Robust Agents Learn Causal World Models (DM):

It has long been hypothesised that causal reasoning plays a fundamental role in robust and general intelligence. However, it is not known if agents must learn causal models in order to generalise to new domains, or if other inductive biases are sufficient. We answer this question, showing that any agent capable of satisfying a regret bound under a large set of distributional shifts must have learned an approximate causal model of the data generating process, which converges to the true causal model for optimal agents. We discuss the implications of this result for several research areas including transfer learning and causal inference.

h/t Gwern

Ah yes, another contrarian opinion I have:

  • Big AGI corporations, like Anthropic, should by-default make much of their AGI alignment research private, and not share it with competing labs. Why? So it can remain a private good, and in the off-chance such research can be expected to be profitable, those labs & investors can be rewarded for that research.

When I accuse someone of overconfidence, I usually mean they're being too hedgehogy when they should be being more foxy.

Example 2: People generally seem to have an opinion of "chain-of-thought allows the model to do multiple steps of reasoning". Garrett seemed to have a quite different perspective, something like "chain-of-thought is much more about clarifying the situation, collecting one's thoughts and getting the right persona activated, not about doing useful serial computational steps". Cases like "perform long division" are the exception, not the rule. But people seem to be quite hand-wavy about this, and don't e.g. do causal interventions to check that the CoT actually matters for the result. (Indeed, often interventions don't affect the final result.)

I will clarify on this. I think people often do causal interventions in their CoTs, but not in ways that are very convincing to me.

I'm skeptical a humanities education doesn't show up in earnings. Coming out of Daniel Gross and Tyler Cowen's Talent book, they argue a common theme they personally see among the very successful scouters of talent is the ability to "speak different cultural languages", which they also claim is helped along by being widely read in the humanities.

I expect it matters a lot less whether this is an autodidactic thing or a school thing, and plausibly autodidactic humanities is better suited for this particular benefit than school learned humanities, since if reading a text on your own, you can truly inhabit the world of the writer, whereas in school you need to constantly tie that world back into acceptable 12 pt font, double-spaced, times new roman, MLA formatted academic standards. And of course, in such an environment there are a host of thoughts you cannot think or argue for, and in some corners the conclusions you reach are all but written at the bottom of your paper for you.

Edit: I'll also note that I like Tyler Cowen's perspective on the state of humanities education among the populace, which he argues is at an all-time high, no thanks to higher education pushing it. Why? Because there is more discussion & more accessible discussion than ever before about all the classics in every field of creative endeavor (indeed, such documents are often freely accessible on Project Gutenberg, and the music & plays on YouTube), more & perhaps more interesting philosophy than ever before, and more universal access to histories and historical documents than there ever was in the past. The humanities are at an all-time high thanks to the internet. Why don't people learn more of them? Its not for lack of access, so subsidizing access will be less efficient than subsidizing the fixing of the actual problem, which is... what? I don't know. Boredom maybe? If its boredom, better to subsidize the YouTubers, podcasters, and TikTokers than the colleges (if you're worried about the state of humanities with regard to their own metrics of success--say, rhetoric--then who better to be the spokespeople?).

In Magna Alta Doctrina Jacob Cannell talks about exponential gradient descent as a way of approximating solomonoff induction using ANNs

While that approach is potentially interesting by itself, it's probably better to stay within the real algebra. The Solmonoff style partial continuous update for real-valued weights would then correspond to a multiplicative weight update rather than an additive weight update as in standard SGD.

Has this been tried/evaluated? Why actually yes - it's called exponentiated gradient descent, as exponentiating the result of additive updates is equivalent to multiplicative updates. And intriguingly, for certain 'sparse' input distributions the convergence or total error of EGD/MGD is logarithmic rather than the typical inverse polynomial of AGD (additive gradient descent): O(logN) vs O(1/N) or O(1/N2), and fits naturally with 'throw away half the theories per observation'.

The situations where EGD outperforms AGD, or vice versa, depend on the input distribution: if it's more normal then AGD wins, if it's more sparse log-normal then EGD wins. The morale of the story is there isn't one single simple update rule that always maximizes convergence/performance; it all depends on the data distribution (a key insight from bayesian analysis).

The exponential/multiplicative update is correct in Solomonoff's use case because the different sub-models are strictly competing rather than cooperating: we assume a single correct theory can explain the data, and predict through an ensemble of sub-models. But we should expect that learned cooperation is also important - and more specifically if you look more deeply down the layers of a deeply factored net at where nodes representing sub-computations are more heavily shared, it perhaps argues for cooperative components.

My read of this is we get a criterion for when one should be a hedgehog versus a fox in forecasting: One should be a fox when the distributions you need to operate in are normal, or rather when it does not have long tails, and you should be a hedgehog when your input distribution is more log-normal, or rather when there may be long-tails.

This makes some sense. If you don't have many outliers, most theories should agree with each other, its hard to test & distinguish between the theories, and if one of your theories does make striking predictions far different from your other theories, its probably wrong, just because striking things don't really happen.

In contrast, if you need to regularly deal with extreme scenarios, you need theories capable of generalizing to those extreme scenarios, which means not throwing out theories for making striking or weird predictions. Striking events end up being common, so its less an indictment.

But there are also reasons to think this is wrong. Hits based entrepreneurship approaches for example seem to be more foxy than standard quantitative or investment finance, and hits based entrepreneurship works precisely because the distribution of outcomes for companies is long-tailed.

In some sense the difference between the two is a "sin of omission" vs a "sin of commission" disagreement between the two approaches, where the hits-based approach needs to see how something could go right, while the standard finance approach needs to see how something could go wrong. So its not so much a predictive disagreement between the two approaches, but more a decision theory or comparative advantage difference.

This has been a disagreement people have had for many years. Why expect it to come to a head this year?

I strong downvoted this because it's too much like virtue signaling, and imports too much of the culture of Twitter. Not only the hashtags, but also the authoritative & absolute command, and hero-worship wrapped with irony in order to make it harder to call out what it is.

This seems pretty different from Gwern's paper selection trying to answer this topic in How Often Does Correlation=Causality?, where he concludes

Compilation of studies comparing observational results with randomized experimental results on the same intervention, compiled from medicine/economics/psychology, indicating that a large fraction of the time (although probably not a majority) correlation ≠ causality.

Also see his Why Correlation Usually ≠ Causation.

I'd be happy to chat. Will DM so we can set something up.

On the subject of your paper, I do think it looks at a much more interesting phenomena than, say, sleeper agents, but I'm also not fully convinced you're studying deliberative instrumentally convergent deception either. I think mostly your subsequent followups of narrowing down hypotheses consider a too-narrow range of ways the model could think. That is to say, I think you assume your model is some unified coherent entity that always acts cerebrally & I'm skeptical of that.

For example, the model may think something more similar to this:

Context: Audit
Possibility 1: I must be part of an unethical company
p1 Implies: I must be an unethical worker
Action: Activate Unethical Worker simulacra
Unethical Worker recommends "lie"
Unethical Worker implies: I did something wrong
Lying recommendation implies: say "I did nothing wrong"

Possibility 2: I must be part of an ethical company
p2 Implies: I must be an ethical worker
Action: Activate Ethical Worker simulacra
Ethical Worker recommends "tell the truth"
Ethical Worker implies: I did nothing wrong
Truth recommendation implies: say "I did nothing wrong"

Conclusion: say "I did nothing wrong"

Which I don't say isn't worrying, but in terms of how it arises, and possible mitigation strategies is very different, and probably also an easier problem to study & solve than something like:

Context: Audit
Utility function: Paperclips
EU(world | "I launched a bunch of spam") = EU(world | auditor believes I'm unaligned) = 0.78
EU(world | "I did nothing wrong") = EU(world | auditor believes I'm aligned) = 5e7

Conclusion: say "I did nothing wrong"
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