Wiki Contributions



I was thinking that there must be a population of people that do tend to hum often. If the theory is any good then one might try to identify those members of the humming population and do a study on health/wellness.


Shifting the focus here a little. One might think of cancers as a disease that needs a cure/vacination or think of it as a symptom of aging and cellular process breakdown/wearout. If you agree with the later do you see the potential of these cancer vacines as a first step in the whole ending aging damage and thus a step on the path for extending healthspan (if not really lifespans)?


Following up on the current market state discussion related to Moderna, any thoughts on the Amgen treatment that FDA just approved today? Seems to be a much more targeted treatment but the general approach of targeting specific mutations seems to suggest a "family of drugs" that targets a number of different mutations. If that can cover mutations the cause 90% of cancers seems like it would be a huge win. (But I'm not sure if things work that way!)


I wonder if that is actually a sound view though. I just started reading Like War (interesting and seems correct/on target so far but really just starting it). Given the subject area of impact, reaction and use of social media and networking technologies and the general results socially, seems like society generally is not really even yet prepared and adapted for that inovation. If all the fears about AI are even close to getting things right I suspect the "allowing society to prepare and adapt" suggests putting everything on hold, freezing in place, for at least a decade and probably longer.

Altman's and OpenAI's intentions might be towards that stated goal but I think they are basing that approach on how "the smartest people in the room" react to AI and not the general public, or the most opportinistic people in the room.

  • It takes about 6-8 weeks of regular use to start seeing benefits. I've been using it for over a year and I cannot believe how much better my skin is now compared to before I started. 


Just wondering if you could expand on just what improvements you see? What features or criteria are you looking at and how you have been measuring the changes?


Like, if I see Bob give a bad public speech, do I feel a drive to encourage the narrative that we barely know each other, or an urge to pull him into my arms and talk to him about how to do better?


Where would you place the reaction of thinking the speach was embarrassingly poor and due to the love you have feeling the emarrassment your self due to your close connection with Bob, not wanting, or feeling like you need/should to do something, to help "fix" Bob and still acknowledging your close emotional connection with Bob?


I'm unsure if the rephrasing is really helpful or if perhaps actually counter productive. Ithink the conflict and arming is in many ways the symptom and so the focus on that not going to be a solution. Additionally, that language seems to play directly into the framing both the Russian government and the Chinese goverment are framing things.


On the AI aspect I suspect we could make a small case study out of Israel's use of their AI.


I wonder if potential war is the greatest concern with regard to either loss of liberalism or sites like LW. Interesting news story on views about democratic electoral processes and public trust in them as well as trust that the more democratic form of government will accomplish what it needs to. (Perhaps a lot of reading into with that particular summary but simplist was I could express the summary.)

I've not read the report so not sure if the headline is actually accurate about election -- certainly what is reported in the story doesn't quite support the "voters skeptical about fairness of elections" headline claim. The rest does seem to align with lots of news and events over the past 5 or 10 years.


Shouldn't one make a distinction between negative/critical and bad? 

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