Johannes C. Mayer

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Here is a model of mine, that seems related.

[Edit: Add Epistemic status]
Epistemic status: I have used this successfully in the past and found it helpful. It is relatively easy to do. is large for me.

I think it is helpful to be able to emotionally detach yourself from your ideas. There is an implicit "concept of I" in our minds. When somebody criticizes this "concept of I", it is painful. If somebody says "You suck", that hurts.

There is an implicit assumption in the mind that this concept of "I" is eternal. This has the effect, that when somebody says "You suck", it is actually more like they say "You sucked in the past, you suck now, and you will suck, always and ever".

In order to emotionally detach yourself from your ideas, you need to sever the links in your mind, between your ideas and this "concept of I". You need to see an idea as an object that is not related to you. Don't see it as "your idea", but just as an idea.

It might help to imagine that there is an idea-generation machine in your brain. That machine makes ideas magically appear in your perception as thoughts. Normally when somebody says "Your idea is dumb", you feel hurt. But now we can translate "Your idea is dumb" to "There is idea-generating machinery in my brain. This machinery has produced some output. Somebody says this output is dumb".

Instead of feeling hurt, you can think "Hmm, the idea-generating machinery in my brain produced an idea that this person thinks is bad. Well maybe they don't understand my idea yet, and they criticize their idea of my idea, and not actually my idea. How can I make them understand?" This thought is a lot harder to have while being busy feeling hurt.

Or "Hmm, this person that I think is very competent thinks this idea is bad, and after thinking about it I agree that this idea is bad. Now how can I change the idea-generating machinery in my brain, such that in the future I will have better ideas?" That thought is a lot harder to have when you think that you yourself are the problem. What is that even supposed to mean that you yourself are the problem? This might not be a meaningful statement, but it is the default interpretation when somebody criticizes you.

The basic idea here is, to frame everything without any reference to yourself. It is not me producing a bad plan, but some mechanism that I just happened to observe the output of. In my experience, this not only helps alleviate pain but also makes you think thoughts that are more useful.

Answer by Johannes C. MayerDec 31, 202252

Here is what I would do, in the hypothetical scenario, where I have taken over the world.

  1. Guard against existential risk.
  2. Make sure that every conscious being I have access to is at least comfortable as the baseline.
  3. Figure out how to safely self-modify, and become much much much ... much stronger.
  4. Deconfuse myself about what consciousness is, such that I can do something like 'maximize positive experiences and minimize negative experiences in the universe', without it going horribly wrong. I expect that 'maximize positive experiences, minimize negative experiences in the universe' very roughly points in the right direction, and I don't expect that would change after a long reflection. Or after getting a better understanding of consciousness.
  5. Optimize hard for what I think is best.

Though this is what I would do in any situation really. It is what I am doing right now. This is what I breathe for, and I won't stop until I am dead.

[EDIT 2023-03-01_17-59: I have recently realized that is is just how one part of my mind feels. The part that feels like me. However, there are tons of other parts in my mind that pull me in different directions. For example, there is one part that wants me to do lots of random improvements to my computer setup, which are fun to do, but probably not worth the effort. I have been ignoring these parts in the past, and I think that their grip on me is stronger because I did not take them into account appropriately in my plans.]

I like this a lot. You are programming for the human brain now.

It also seems nice that can implement each step in this program in executable code, and then you don't need to perform that step manually. You might even write little helper programs to perform the tasks, which can then later be used if you decide to automate the script more.

It also seems useful for developing an algorithm. Often I might want to understand what my brain is doing and have an algorithm that emulates what my brain is doing.

Maybe this method can be used to write down a very high-level description of the steps that I think my brain is doing and then see whether me now following that procedure blindly leads to the correct result. If you get the correct result, you can then try to fill in more details, automating each individual step a bit more, and then checking if you still get the same result, and so on.

I think this post would be much more effective in achieving its goal if it would provide alternatives.

What are the advantages of posting your research ideas on LessWrong? Are there other ways in which you can get these advantages? Are there maybe even alternatives that give you more of the thing you want?

I expect telling people about these alternatives (if they exist) would make them more likely to make use of them.

One of the main things I think people can get by publishing their research is to get feedback. But you could also search for people who are interested in what you are working on. Then you can send your write-ups only to these people.

Also seeing people engage with things that you write is very motivating.

These are just some rough examples as I don't think I have very good models about what you can get out of LessWrong and how to get the same benefits in different ways.

Seems pretty good to me to have this in a video call to me. The main reason why don't immediately try this out is that I would need to write a program to do this.

Detangle Communicative Writing and Research

One reason why I never finish any blog post is probably because I'm just immediately starting to write it. I think it is better to first build a very good understanding of whatever I'm trying to understand. Only when I'm sure I have understood do I start to create a very narrowly scoped writeup?

Doing this has two advantages. First, it speeds up the research process, because writing down all your thoughts is slow.

Second, it speeds up the writing of the final document. You are not confused about the thing, and you can focus on what is the best way to communicate it. This reduces how much editing you need to do. You also scope yourself by only writing up the most important things.

See also here more concrete steps on how to do this.

In principle, you could use Whisper or any other ASR system with high accuracy to enforce something like this during a live conversation.

Be Confident in your Processes

I thought a lot about what kinds of things make sense for me to do to solve AI alignment. That did not make me confident that any particular narrow idea that I have will eventually lead to something important.

Rather, I'm confident that executing my research process will over time lead to something good. The research process is:

  1. Take some vague intuitions
  2. Iteratively unroll them into something concrete
  3. Update my models based on new observations I make during this overall process.

I think being confident, i.e. not feeling hopeless in doing anything, is important. The important takeaway here is that you don't need to be confident in any particular idea that you come up with. Instead, you can be confident in the broader picture of what you are doing, i.e. your processes.

The best way to become confident in this way is to just work a bunch and then reflect back. It is very likely that you will be able to see how improved. And probably you will have had a few successes.

Ok, I was confused before. I think Homoiconicity is sort of several things. Here are some examples:

  • In basically any programming language L, you can have program A, that can write a file containing a valid L source code that is then run by A.
  • In some sense, python is homoiconic, because you can have a string and then exec it. Before you exec (or in between execs) you can manipulate the string with normal string manipulation.
  • In R you have the quote operator which allows you to take in code and return and object that represents this code, that can be manipulated.
  • In Lisp when you write an S-expression, the same S-expression can be interpreted as a program or a list. It is actually always a (possibly nested) list. If we interpret the list as a program, we say that the first element in the list is the symbol of the function, and the remaining entries in the list are the arguments to the function.

Although I can't put my finger on it exactly, to me it feels like the homoiconicity is increasing in further down examples in the list.

The basic idea though seems to always be that we have a program that can manipulate the representation of another program. This is actually more general than homoiconicity, as we could have a Python program manipulating Haskell code for example. It seems that the further we go down the list, the easier it gets to do this kind of program manipulation.

I am also not sure how useful it is, but I would be very careful with saying that R programmers not using it is strong evidence that it is not that useful. Basically, that was a bit the point I wanted to make with the original comment. Homoiconicity might be hard to learn and use compared to learning a for loop in python. That might be the reason that people don't learn it. Because they don't understand how it could be useful. Probably actually most R users did not even hear about homoiconicity. And if they would they would ask "Well I don't know how this is useful". But again that does not mean that it is not useful.

Probably many people at least vaguely know the concept of a pure function. But probably most don't actually use it in situations where it would be advantageous to use pure functions because they can't identify these situations.

Probably they don't even understand basic arguments, because they've never heard them, of why one would care about making functions pure. With your line of argument, we would now be able to conclude that pure functions are clearly not very useful in practice. Which I think is, at minimum, an overstatement. Clearly, they can be useful. My current model says that they are actually very useful.

[Edit:] Also R is not homoiconic lol. At least not in a strong sense like lisp. At least what this guy on github says. Also, I would guess this is correct from remembering how R looks, and looking at a few code samples now. In LISP your program is a bunch of lists. In R not. What is the data structure instance that is equivalent to this expression: %sumx2y2% <- function(e1, e2) {e1 ^ 2 + e2 ^ 2}?

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