

Trends in Machine Learning

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Here is a "predictable surprise" I don't discussed often: given the advantages of scale and centralisation for training, it does not seem crazy to me that some major AI developers will be pooling resources in the future, and training jointly large AI systems.

I've been tempted to do this sometime, but I fear the prior is performing one very important role you are not making explicit: defining the universe of possible hypothesis you consider.

In turn, defining that universe of probabilities defines how bayesian updates look like. Here is a problem that arises when you ignore this: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/R28ppqby8zftndDAM/a-bayesian-aggregation-paradox


I think this is true to an extent, but a more systematic analysis needs to back this up.

For instance, I recall quantization techniques working much better after a certain scale (though I can't seem to find the reference...).  It also seems important to validate that techniques to increase performance apply at large scales. Finally, note that the frontier of scale is growing very fast, so even if these discoveries were done with relatively modest compute compared to the frontier,  this is still a tremendous amount of compute!

even a pause which completely stops all new training runs beyond current size indefinitely would only ~double timelines at best, and probably less


I'd emphasize that we currently don't have a very clear sense of how algorithmic improvement happens, and it is likely mediated to some extent by large experiments, so I think is more likely to slow timelines more than this implies.

I agree! I'd be quite interested in looking at TAS data, for the reason you mentioned.

I think Tetlock and cia might have already done some related work?

Question decomposition is part of the superforecasting commandments, though I can't recall off the top of my head if they were RCT'd individually or just as a whole.

ETA: This is the relevant paper (h/t Misha Yagudin). It was not about the 10 commandments. Apparently those haven't been RCT'd at all?

I cowrote a detailed response here


Essentially, this type of reasoning proves too much, since it implies we cannot show any properties whatsoever of any program, which is clearly false.

Here is some data through Matthew Barnett and Jess Riedl

Number of cumulative miles driven by Cruise's autonomous cars is growing as an exponential at roughly 1 OOM per year.


That is to very basic approximation correct.

Davidson's takeoff model illustrates this point, where a "software singularity" happens for some parameter settings due to software not being restrained to the same degree by capital inputs.

I would point out however that our current understanding of how software progress happens is somewhat poor. Experimentation is definitely a big component of software progress, and it is often understated in LW. 

More research on this soon!

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