
Opinions expressed are my own and not endorsed by anyone.

Please excuse my poor reading comprehension

Formerly @ ARC Evals aka METR

Wiki Contributions


See also different practitioners in the same field with very different methodologies they are sure is the Best Way To Do Things

Hmm lots of popular value claims are quite beneficial to the recipient ("wash your hands and make everyone you know wash them too or you're disgusting" or "save up your money or you're poverty-minded")

Lots of factual claims with zero value implications or actual personal value are memetically fit (eg flame wars on certain physics topics)

Lots of factual-looking claims actually written by someone with an opinion who cares ("did you know Africa has the most languages of any continent?")

Lots of people with opinions who care actually do know the facts (eg some ai safety people are tired and just like "pause ai now!! Evil companies!!")

Maybe there's a better place to draw the line? Maybe the wise thing is to focus on the conversations where people demonstrate real interest in root causes of things, without totally ignoring the other subjects "nobody can EXPLAIN to me why murder is actually bad"

False negative rate is high apparently.

Seems like 5-10% false negative for when they already know exactly what you have? And a 30% number is randomly quoted online... I guess it totally depends on what someone has, how much they poop, etc

Some reports of people just taking dewormers despite negative tests and having good results. Example:

Idk how broad-spectrum/effective dewormers typically are. Apparently this one killed a bunch of random stuff but some species can come back after:

Yeah i would bet 40% on a worm (ie 67% of my 60% on GI pathogen)

weird stuff started happening to me like extreme sensitivity to caffeine

Only explanation for this (and the salt sensitivity etc) IMO is a hole/thinning in gut lining. Which is moderately likely (30%?) with nonworm gut pathogen but very likely (75%?) with a worm.

Perhaps an intestinal parasite like a tapeworm? All the really weird symptoms explained by worm poo and worm bites (poking holes) in the GI tract? How do you know your infection from years ago was viral?

I think they are easy to kill with dewormers. If you have some unusual fungus or bacteria or virus (or eukaryote or archaea) then it could be very hard to kill.

I think taking dewormers might be easier than getting a proper colonoscopy or test. If it is a parasite then you'll see it in the toilet. (And you said you're pretty underweight so fasting seems off the table.) I have not researched side effects and risks of dewormers.

If the underlying thing is totally autoimmune then getting rid of a parasite could actually make it worse. Easy to get a new parasite though if you wanted to go back lol

Here is chatgpt trying to make score cards for various causes based on the stuff you listed in your reddit posts.

Anyway I would place like 60% on GI tract pathogen, 15% on pathogen elsewhere, 10% on poisoning, 10% on autoimmune without pathogen or poison, and 5% on all other causes. Just guessing obviously.

Well if you've always been supplementing it then try not supplementing it!

But I had some weird food issues for years (eg seizures after eating garlic) that are mostly gone with 250mcg daily vit D. I started taking K with it about a year ago because people say D alone can have long term side effects. I don't know why a giant dose is different from a regular dose... I also had normal levels IIRC. Maybe a giant dose gets stuff deeper into certain tissues or something ¿

Zinc carnosine is supposed to increase mucus production. My understanding is that mucus is the source of all good things health-wise (unless it's in your lungs lol). My mom and I both took it for food vs brain stuff and it seemed to help us both a bit (we were in decent starting condition so a big effect would be hard to see).

Jesus have you always been underweight? If it's new then I would bet you have like a tapeworm. If you've always been underweight then I would bet fasting is not worth the risk.

So somebody gets an agent which efficiently productively indefinitely works on any specified goal, then they just let the government find out and take it? No countermeasures?

This is a great question. I can't think of a good answer. Surely someone has done it on a large scale...

This is cool I never heard of this. There are many other exceptions of course. Particularly with "turning things on" (car starting, computer starting, etc)

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