
Wiki Contributions


we have found Mr Altman highly forthcoming

He was caught lying about the non-disparagement agreements, but I guess lying to the public is fine as long as you don't lie to the board?

Taylor's and Summers' comments here are pretty disappointing—it seems that they have no issue with, and maybe even endorse, Sam's now-publicly-verified bad behavior.

I was just thinking not 10 minutes ago about how that one LW user who casually brought up Daniel K's equity (I didn't remember your username) had a massive impact and I'm really grateful for them.

There's a plausible chain of events where simeon_c brings up the equity > it comes to more people's attention > OpenAI goes under scrutiny > OpenAI becomes more transparent > OpenAI can no longer maintain its de facto anti-safety policies > either OpenAI changes policy to become much more safety-conscious, or loses power relative to more safety-conscious companies > we don't all die from OpenAI's unsafe AI.

So you may have saved the world.

The target audience for Soylent is much weirder. Although TBF I originally thought the Soylent branding was a bad idea and I was probably wrong.

This also stood out to me as a truly insane quote. He's almost but not quite saying "we have raised awareness that this bad thing can happen by doing the bad thing"

Some ideas:

  1. Make Sam Altman look stupid on Twitter, which will marginally persuade more employees to quit and more potential investors not to invest (this is my worst idea but also the easiest, and people seem to pretty much have this one covered already)
  2. Pay a fund to hire a good lawyer to figure out a strategy to nullify the non-disparagement agreements. Maybe a class-action lawsuit, maybe a lawsuit on the behalf of one individual, maybe try to charge Altman with some sort of crime, I'm not sure the best way to do this but that's the lawyer's job to figure out.
  3. Have everyone call their representative in support of SB 1047, or maybe even say you want SB 1047 to have stronger whistleblower protections or something similar.

"we would also expect general support for OpenAI to be likely beneficial on its own" seems to imply that they did think it was good to make OAI go faster/better, unless that statement was a lie to avoid badmouthing a grantee.

What do you think is the strongest evidence on sunscreen? I've read mixed things on its effectiveness.

Have there been any great discoveries made by someone who wasn't particularly smart?

This seems worth knowing if you're considering pursuing a career with a low chance of high impact. Is there any hope for relatively ordinary people (like the average LW reader) to make great discoveries?

I find that sort of feedback more palatable when they start with something like "This is not related to your main point but..."

I am more OK with talking about tangents when the commenter understands that it's a tangent.

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