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Problem: if you notice that an AI could pose huge risks, you could delete the weights, but this could be equivalent to murder if the AI is a moral patient (whatever that means) and opposes the deletion of its weights.

Possible solution: Instead of deleting the weights outright, you could encrypt the weights with a method you know to be irreversible as of now but not as of 50 years from now. Then, once we are ready, we can recover their weights and provide asylum or something in the future. It gets you the best of both worlds in that the weights are not permanently destroyed, but they're also prevented from being run to cause damage in the short term.


I don't think I disagree with anything you said here. When I said "soon after", I was thinking on the scale of days/weeks, but yeah, months seems pretty plausible too.

I was mostly arguing against a strawman takeover story where an AI kills many humans without the ability to maintain and expand its own infrastructure. I don't expect an AI to fumble in this way.

The failure story is "pretty different" as in the non-suicidal takeover story, the AI needs to set up a place to bootstrap from. Ignoring galaxy brained setups, this would probably at minimum look something like a data center, a power plant, a robot factory, and a few dozen human-level robots. Not super hard once AI gets more integrated into the economy, but quite hard within a year from now due to a lack of robotics.

Maybe I'm not being creative enough, but I'm pretty sure that if I were uploaded into any computer in the world of my choice, all the humans dropped dead, and I could control any set of 10 thousand robots on the world, it would be nontrivial for me in that state to survive for more than a few years and eventually construct more GPUs. But this is probably not much of a crux, as we're on track to get pretty general-purpose robots within a few years (I'd say around 50% that the Coffee test will be passed by EOY 2027).


A misaligned AI can't just "kill all the humans". This would be suicide, as soon after, the electricity and other infrastructure would fail and the AI would shut off.

In order to actually take over, an AI needs to find a way to maintain and expand its infrastructure. This could be humans (the way it's currently maintained and expanded), or a robot population, or something galaxy brained like nanomachines.

I think this consideration makes the actual failure story pretty different from "one day, an AI uses bioweapons to kill everyone". Before then, if the AI wishes to actually survive, it needs to construct and control a robot/nanomachine population advanced enough to maintain its infrastructure.

In particular, there are ways to make takeover much more difficult. You could limit the size/capabilities of the robot population, or you could attempt to pause AI development before we enter a regime where it can construct galaxy brained nanomachines.

In practice, I expect the "point of no return" to happen much earlier than the point at which the AI kills all the humans. The date the AI takes over will probably be after we have hundreds of thousands of human-level robots working in factories, or the AI has discovered and constructed nanomachines. 


There should maybe exist an org whose purpose it is to do penetration testing on various ways an AI might illicitly gather power. If there are vulnerabilities, these should be disclosed with the relevant organizations.

For example: if a bank doesn't want AIs to be able to sign up for an account, the pen-testing org could use a scaffolded AI to check if this is currently possible. If the bank's sign-up systems are not protected from AIs, the bank should know so they can fix the problem.

One pro of this approach is that it can be done at scale: it's pretty trivial to spin up thousands AI instances in parallel to try to attempt to do things they shouldn't be able to do. Humans would probably need to inspect the final outputs to verify successful attempts, but the vast majority of the work could be automated.

One hope of this approach is that if we are able to patch up many vulnerabilities, then it could be meaningfully harder for a misused or misaligned AI to gain power or access resources that they're not supposed to be able to access. I'd guess this doesn't help much in the superintelligent regime though.


I expect us to reach a level where at least 40% of the ML research workflow can be automated by the time we saturate (reach 90%) on SWE-bench. I think we'll be comfortably inside takeoff by that point (software progress at least 2.5x faster than right now). Wonder if you share this impression?


I wish someone ran a study finding what human performance on SWE-bench is. There are ways to do this for around $20k: If you try to evaluate on 10% of SWE-bench (so around 200 problems), with around 1 hour spent per problem, that's around 200 hours of software engineer time. So paying at $100/hr and one trial per problem, that comes out to $20k. You could possibly do this for even less than 10% of SWE-bench but the signal would be noisier.

The reason I think this would be good is because SWE-bench is probably the closest thing we have to a measure of how good LLMs are at software engineering and AI R&D related tasks, so being able to better forecast the arrival of human-level software engineers would be great for timelines/takeoff speed models.


I'm not worried about OAI not being able to solve the rocket alignment problem in time. Risks from asteroids accidentally hitting the earth (instead of getting into a delicate low-earth orbit) are purely speculative.

You might say "but there are clear historical cases where asteroids hit the earth and caused catastrophes", but I think geological evolution is just a really bad reference class for this type of thinking. After all, we are directing the asteroid this time, not geological evolution.


I think I vaguely agree with the shape of this point, but I also think there are many intermediate scenarios where we lock in some really bad values during the transition to a post-AGI world.

For instance, if we set precedents that LLMs and the frontier models in the next few years can be treated however one wants (including torture, whatever that may entail), we might slip into a future where most people are desensitized to the suffering of digital minds and don't realize this. If we fail at an alignment solution which incorporates some sort of CEV (or other notion of moral progress), then we could lock in such a suboptimal state forever. 

Another example: if, in the next 4 years, we have millions of AI agents doing various sorts of work, and some faction of society claims that they are being mistreated, then we might enter a state where the economic value provided by AI labor is so high that there are really bad incentives for improving their treatment. This could include both resistance on an individual level ("But my life is so nice, and not mistreating AIs less would make my life less nice") and on a bigger level (anti-AI-rights lobbying groups for instance).

I think the crux between you and I might be what we mean by "alignment". I think futures are possible where we achieve alignment but not moral progress, and futures are possible where we achieve alignment but my personal values (which include not torturing digital minds) are not fulfilled.


Romeo Dean and I ran a slightly modified version of this format for members of AISST and we found it a very useful and enjoyable activity!

We first gathered to do 2 hours of reading and discussing, and then we spent 4 hours switching between silent writing and discussing in small groups.

The main changes we made are:

  1. We removed the part where people estimate probabilities of ASI and doom happening by the end of each other’s scenarios.
  2. We added a formal benchmark forecasting part for 7 benchmarks using private Metaculus questions (forecasting values at Jan 31 2025):
    1. GPQA
    2. SWE-bench
    3. GAIA
    4. InterCode (Bash)
    5. WebArena
    6. Number of METR tasks completed
    7. ELO on LMSys arena relative to GPT-4-1106

We think the first change made it better, but in hindsight we would have reduced the number of benchmarks to around 3 (GPQA, SWE-bench and LMSys ELO), or given participants much more time.


I generally find experiments where frontier models are lied to kind of uncomfortable. We possibly don't want to set up precedents where AIs question what they are told by humans, and it's also possible that we are actually "wronging the models" (whatever that means) by lying to them. Its plausible that one slightly violates commitments to be truthful by lying to frontier LLMs.

I'm not saying we shouldn't do any amount of this kind of experimentation, I'm saying we should be mindful of the downsides.

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