Will Armitage


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This is the most captivating series I have read in years. Eliezer Yudkowsky, thank you. I've been spell bound since late 2022 when I came across this through an exploration of LessWrong. Being a huge Harry Potter fan but knowing little about the rationalist movement, this struck the perfect chord. Educational yet close enough to home to be comprehensible. In July 2023, my first journey through this novel ends. 

You have my sincerest thanks. I will share this work with others. 

There were probably a thousand people as intelligent as Einstein for every actual Einstein in history. Because those other geniuses hadn't gotten their hands on the one thing you absolutely needed to achieve greatness. They'd never found an important problem.


My first comment on Lesswrong. How to improve the probability that if you search for important problems that one will emerge? 

  1. Spend time on the fringes of society where disenfranchised people reside. Arguably, their problems are least common but could have an outsized impact. 
  2. Spend time on the cutting edge of science while having a wide breathed of knowledge on current affairs. New solutions to old problems.