(The following are our suggestions for what kind of information is best to include in the welcome post of your group, feel free to replace them with whatever you think is best)

What kind of events does your group usually run? What does it usually do?

How frequently does your group organize events or meet?

Who would be a good fit for you group?

Should they have any particular skills or have done some specific background reading?

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Hey everyone and anyone,

I've just come back home from Amsterdam and a few ACX meetups there. From the looks of it, the Lithuanian community on FB is rather non-existent, and most Lithuanian rationalists I know don't really live here. Nontheless - if anyone Lithuanian or in Lithuania sees this - let me know. Perhaps we can organise something locally.

Hey, I'm an interested Lithuanian :)

Only saw your comment just now 2 months later, but I've sent you a DM.

Great - sent a response :)

Good to hear I'm not the only one and sounds like a good start to the community

Hey folks,

I'm organizing an ACX meetup in Vilnius this September. We're meeting on Sunday the 22nd, at 3pm in Lukiškių Aikštė.

We are few, yet we are mighty. Join us here: https://discord.gg/jqxuBMeHaw