We'll be meeting in the Link cafe on Saturday, November 20, at 9 PM. With special guests of honor: Anna Salamon and Carl Shulman!

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Another Vladimir!

What is it with this site and that name?

(No offence meant! Please take it sportingly!) ;)

Actually, I was wondering that myself! I differentiate myself by the fact that I'm among the very first Vladimirs around here. (I've been an OB reader for three years now, I think.)


Heh, actually it has no relation to hyperlinks or Zelda (I think). The website just puts it on a map for convenient finding.

I'm so jealous of all those meetups happening. Never met anyone from LW in person.

If there was a Moscow meetup, I would consider participation.

You're Russian??? Your name doesn't happen to be Vladimir, does it?

I am not, but at the moment I live in Russia. Your name happens to be Vladimir, by the way?

Have you considered a more proactive solution to your problem (i.e. introducing people from your geographical area to LW)?

Or, still proactive but less dependent on a worthwhile social network, trying to start a meetup in your geographical area?

For some reason I'm awfully bad at bringing people together. There's something about the task that I can't seem to grasp, no matter how much I try and fail. Is there anyone on LW who started out with no talent for this, but managed to improve through hard work?

To call a LW meet-up, all you need to do is:

  1. Announce it on here, with a time (a week or so in advance) and a location (somewhere where a group can gather and still hear one another; e.g. a quieter-end pizza place),
  2. Show up yourself, with a sign that says "less wrong meet-up".

Any chance you might try? There seem to be a number of cool LW-ers from Moscow.

I'd add step 0: have Singulairty Institute members come for a long visit near you, thus serving as the impetus of the meetup :-)

Yes. I tried and failed to run a student social/special interest group for a while, interspersed with low- to medium-quality leadership conferences on occasion. After a year (of the school variety, so nine months) of running weekly meetings and hosting lecture events I got to be pretty decent.

You can move to Israel :-)

Oh that's another shortcoming of mine. I'm very, very inert. My life in Moscow right now is so extraordinarily easy and comfortable that you'd have to pull me to make me emigrate. Willing to make visits to anywhere in the world, though, as long as people invite me first :-)

Eh, it's not a shortcoming. Gibbs spent nearly his whole life at Yale, Kant never traveled more than 100 miles from Konigsberg.


Unfortunately I have no Jewish girlfriends at the moment. Probably should've moved when I had one :-)

Thank you for organizing the meet-up, Vladimir.

There were eight people there last night, and it was a great opportunity to see people in meatspace, after years online.

I'm interested in being there, but that's a pretty long drive for me. Is there any chance to make it in Tel-Aviv instead?

If it helps, I'm coming to the meetup from T-A, and I can give you a ride to Jerusalem and back.

Not this time, although I could be talked into doing a Tel Aviv meet-up in a few weeks. This is meet-up is actually flowing out of a Tel Aviv Transhumanist meet-up a week and a half ago (do you know that group? do you want their contact info?) which, in retrospect, I really should have announced on here.

do you know that group? do you want their contact info?

No, and no need - I trust I'll find them should the need arise.

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