Discussion article for the meetup : Comfort Zone Expansion at Citadel, Boston

WHEN: 10 November 2013 02:00:00PM (-0500)

WHERE: Citadel, 98 Elm St Apt 1, Somerville, MA

Comfort Zone Expansion (CoZE) is the practice of exposing yourself to uncomfortable or unusual situations with strangers in order to develop social skills, persuasion, and confidence. (as taught at CFAR)

A wide variety of activities fall under the umbrella of CoZE - here are some examples:

  • starting conversations and asking personal questions

  • asking people for favors

  • singing or dancing in public

  • going to stores and asking for free samples

  • trading objects with people

After a brief intro to CoZE, we will warm up by playing improv games, and then take a trip to a mall in downtown Boston for the CoZE practice (the location is chosen to minimize the chances of encountering someone you know). We will disperse around the mall, and then reconvene for dinner and an exchange of stories!

Our schedule for this meetup is as follows:

—Phase 1: Arrival, greetings, unstructured conversation.

—Phase 2: Intro to CoZE - 3:30-4pm.

—Phase 3: Improv games (warmup) - 4-5pm.

—Phase 4: CoZE outing in downtown Boston - 5-7pm.

—Phase 5: Dinner and exchanging CoZE stories - 7pm.

Discussion article for the meetup : Comfort Zone Expansion at Citadel, Boston

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Suggest putting location in title. :)