I've read many times about an experiment: take a 2-particle system and measure that it has a spin of 0. This tells us that the particles have opposite spin. Now, take the particles far away from each other and measure one. If you measure spin up, for example, you now know the other particle has spin down.
Why would anybody be surprised by this?
Let's imagine a similar classical experiment that uses literal spin. Take a system of two gyroscopes, each spinning at the same fixed speed, each in it's own sealed box. They can be powered or whatever so they stay spinning for the duration. Stack the two boxes ("entangling" their spin), and measure 0 spin to confirm that the gyroscopes are in fact spinning in opposite directions (some helicopters use this principle for stabilization on the y-axis instead of a tail propeller). Now, send the boxes far apart and measure one of them using the right hand rule. If it turns out to have spin up, the other will intuitively turn out to have spin down. But nobody will be surprised by this because we knew from the beginning that the pair was spinning in opposite directions; we just didn't know which was which before measuring one of them.
Update: 2020Apr24
Thanks for all the comments, explanations, and links! I'm not ignoring them, just trying to find time between work and family responsibilities to digest and understand them before I ask my follow-up questions. I appreciate your patience!
I'm not surprised that you're not surprised :D EPR's paper introducing the superluminal entanglement thought experiment was published in 1935, and they basically said what you did - that clearly quantum mechanics was incomplete, and there was some way that the spins had decided which was which beforehand.
Bell's theorem, which uses a significantly more complicated situation to demonstrate why that's not possible, was published in 1964. So it took an entire field about 30 years to see why entanglement should be surprising!
Also, if you want more "surprising" aspects of entanglement, I think superdense coding is a nice example. Basically, sharing an entangled qubit does let you send information, but only after you also send one more qubit in an ordinary way. This is very not possible with hidden variables.