For those who haven't heard, NIH and NSF are no longer processing grants, leading to many negative downstream effects.
I've been directing my attention elsewhere lately and don't have anything informative to say about this. However, my uninformed intuition is that people who care about effective altruism (research in general, infrastructure development, X-risk mitigation, life-extension...basically everything, actually) or have transhumanist leanings should be very concerned.
The consequences have already been pretty disastrous. To provide just one, immediate example, the article says that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has shut down. I think that this is almost certain to directly cause a nontrivial number of deaths. Each additional day that this continues could have huge negative impact down the line, perhaps delaying some key future discoveries by years. This event *might* be a small window of opportunity to prevent a lot of harm very cheaply.
So the question is:
1) Can we do anything to remedy the situation?
2) If so, is it worth doing it? (Opportunity costs, etc)
I don't care about detectability when I take a drug. I care about whether it helps me. I want a number that tell me the probability of the drug helping me. I don't want the statisician to answer a different question.
Detectability depends on the power of a trial.
If a frequentist gives you some number after he analysed an experiment you can't just fit that number in a decision function. You have to think about issues such as whether the experiment had enough power to pick up an effect.
If a bayesian gives you a probability you don't have to think about such issues because the bayesian already integrates your prior knowledge. The probability that the bayesian gives you can be directly used.
Drug trials are neither designed to, nor capable of answering questions like this.
Whether a drug will help you is a different probability that comes out of a complicated evaluation for which the drug trial results serve as just one of the inputs.
I am sorry, you're speaking nonsense.