It occurred to me this morning that, if it's actually valuable, generating true beliefs about the world must be someone's comparative advantage. If truth is instrumentally important, important people must be finding ways to pay to access it. I can think of several examples of this, but the one that caught my attention was actuarial science.
I know next to nothing about what actuaries actually do, but Wikipedia says:
"Actuaries mathematically evaluate the likelihood of events and quantify the contingent outcomes in order to minimize losses, both emotional and financial, associated with uncertain undesirable events."
Why, that sounds right up our alley.
So what I'm wondering is: for those who can afford it, wouldn't it be worth contracting with actuaries to make important personal decisions? Not merely with regards to business, but everything else as well? My preliminary ideas include:
- Lifestyle choices to reduce personal risk of death
- Health and wellness decisions
- Vehicle choice for economic and safety considerations
- Where to send your kid to college and otherwise improve life success
I'm trying to fact-check the rhetoric about older generations consuming Government resources due to demographic transitions and the aging population. Intergenerational equity concerns me as a young person. I've found a primer that models the general situation here and an article critising assumptions that people may make after introductory readings on the topic here. Does anyone have anything else to add? My working conclusion is that I have nothing to worry about. However, I am assuming that things like the 'trust fund' to pay for baby boomer retirement applies to Australia as much as in the US, and that the second article is more true than the first, since they are contradictory.