Here is a new post at EconLog in which Bryan Caplan discusses how signalling contributes to the status quo bias.
The lesson: In the real world, signaling naturally tends to ossify behavior - to lock in whatever the status quo happens to be. If you're an optimist, you can protest, "It's only a tendency." But even an optimist should admit that this tendency leads to atypically slow and unreliable progress.
It depends how you define weirdness, I think. What I'm claiming, by use of examples, is that we have a very specific out-group/in-group separation. What we usually label "weird" is harmless in-group stuff. We might even use it to signal our tolerance/freedom/etc. What is actually weird to us, we tend not to define explicitly at all, but to separate by exclusion and by favouring in-group stuff without argument. Sometimes we consider it offensive. The examples in the original article are not great, I think, since our society is tolerant of people wearing wacky clothing, etc (i.e., the other day I saw an adult woman in the supermarket wearing an animal onesie and nobody even looked twice). But if you take "weirdness" to be actual out-group behaviour then I think there's ample evidence that we're inherently intolerant of it (some of which I tried to provide).
I agree that it depends of what is meant by "weirdness", and that if by that you mean out-group behavior then yes we are intolerant of it.
However, Caplan's argument was that signaling conformity discouraged innovation, so the important question becomes how many potential innovations get discouraged - how many fall under 'harmless in-group stuff", and how many fall under "actually weird out-group stuff".
You could conceivably have an out-group/in-group separation such that the "out-group" is a restricted set of characterist... (read more)