Or, what kind of hammers do find yourself whacking alignment topics ("nails") with? Alignment topics include problems (e.g. instrumental convergence, mesa-optimizers, goodhart's law), proposed solutions (e.g. quantilizers, debate, IRL), and whatever else get's brought up in this forum.
For example, I imagine Steven Byrnes would see an alignment problem and think about what algorithm or structure in the brain might solve it (please correct me if I'm wrong!).
I imagine Rohin Shah would see a proposed solution and ask how it intervenes on a threat model (also correct me if I'm wrong!).
Or, in general, asking for specific examples of the topic.
Related: including specific examples where you've used your heuristic would be appreciated. The same for full, gears-level model of when your heuristic is useful.
Some notes from a 2018 CHAI meeting on this topic (with some editing). I don't endorse everything on here, nor would CHAI-the-organization.