Thanks for stepping up to take the job, and good luck!
Have some karma as a token of our gratitude to you for doing it so we don't have to. :)
Good luck and thanks for doing the job!
Interesting. This seems to be the first case (at least in the last two years) where the same post is present in both. I'm curions about the votes. Should give some feedback about the relative share of readers of Main and Discussion.
It's not a good test unless the post gets promoted. I'm willing to bet that a lot of people check the promoted posts at Main, but don't bother to check New.
Also, some people might be sufficiently in favor to upvote both posts.
Maybe readers will feel the post does not contain enough scientific references to be posted in Main.
Or perhaps that a new moderator taking the job deserves more karma than the one giving up.
I've been around for more than a couple years and had no idea there was a difference between Main and Promoted. I guess I check "new" for Main by using the side bar on the landing page but didn't pick up on the distinction.
Viliam Bur made the announcement in Main, but not everyone checks main, so I'm repeating it here.