I have been on the quest for winning at life for a long time. But nothing could prepare me for a run-in with a lesswrongian.
My life has been turned upside-down, it turns out that every aspect of my life can be considerably improved or upgraded, but there is so much to do that I'm completely overwhelmed by all there is to do.
The improvement to-do list is a mile long and I've currently reached the point where I'd rather wallow in self-pity than actually get up and do something...
I have trouble sleeping because I worry about all the things I'm not doing, and then when I'm awake I'm stuck on sites like lesswrong pressing F5 all day long in the hopes that a new post will save me...
One thing to keep in mind is that you have limited mental resources and can really only do a couple things effectively at a time. Thus you are hardly a bad person for concentrating on a couple of areas at once and ignoring other areas as they are for the time being.
To figure out what you want to concentrate on, you might sit down with someone make a list of all the different things you could try, and figure out which 1-3 seem the most promising and then make a plan to try those. Then, after an appropriate length of time you revisit the issue and find a couple more things to work on.
This makes a lot of sense, but my mind cannot accept this compromise for some reason...