There’s probably no one who knows more about startups than Paul Graham. Having helped thousands of startups through Y Combinator, the startup accelerator he co-founded, there’s a thing or two to learn from his essays. And Graham’s wisdom isn’t limited to startups either; his essays, read by millions, touch on education, intelligence, writing, society, the human mind, and much more.

Paul Graham 101 by Jaakko

An alternative on the subject of startups is probably Jessica Livingston's Founders at Work. I don't have a third source so it doesn't qualify for The Best Textbooks on Every Subject

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Liron Shapira's may also count? Which involves the same content as The Lean Startup

@paulg would agree: 

For startups, the product must be as minimal and as quickly iterating as possible.

For grown companies, the requirements might be different. Minimum Lovable Product or something like that.

The link is broken (points back the OP, should be ).

I've fixed the link.