It's fashionable these days to ask people about their AI timelines. And it's fashionable to have things to say in response.

But relative to the number of people who report their timelines, I suspect that only a small fraction have put in the effort to form independent impressions about them. And, when asked about their timelines, I don't often hear people also reporting how they arrived at their views.

If this is true, then I suspect everyone is updating on everyone else's views as if they were independent impressions, when in fact all our knowledge about timelines stems from the same (e.g.) ten people.

This could have several worrying effects:

  • People's timelines being overconfident (i.e. too resilient), because they think they have more evidence than they actually do.
    • In particular, people in this community could come to believe that we have the timelines question pretty worked out (when we don't), because they keep hearing the same views being reported.
  • Weird subgroups forming where people who talk to each other most converge to similar timelines, without good reason.[1]
  • People using faulty deference processes. Deference is hard and confusing, and if you don't discuss how you’re deferring then you're not forced to check if your process makes sense.

So: if (like most people) you don't have time to form your own views about AI timelines, then I suggest being clear who you're deferring to (and how), rather than just saying "median 2040" or something.[2]

And: if you’re asking someone about their timelines, also ask how they arrived at their views.

(Of course, the arguments here apply more widely too. Whilst I think AI timelines is a particularly worrying case, being unclear if/how you're deferring is a generally poor way of communicating. Discussions about p(doom) are another case where I suspect we could benefit from being clearer about deference.)

Finally: if you have 30 seconds and want to help work out who people do in fact defer to, take the timelines deference survey!

Thanks to Daniel Kokotajlo and Rose Hadshar for conversation/feedback, and to Daniel for suggesting the survey.

  1. ^

    This sort of thing may not always be bad. There should be people doing serious work based on various different assumptions about timelines. And in practice, since people tend to work in groups, this will often mean groups doing serious work based on various different assumptions about timelines.

  2. ^

    Here are some things you might say, which exemplify clear communication about deference:

     - "I plugged my own numbers into the bio anchors framework (after 30 minutes of reflection) and my median is 2030. I haven't engaged with the report enough to know if I buy all of its assumptions, though"
     - "I just defer to Ajeya's timelines because she seems to have thought the most about it"
     - "I don't have independent views and I honestly don't know who to defer to"

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I was somewhat surprised by how seriously people here took the BioAnchors model predictions, given that the model is not really Bayesian: it is not a simple model which postdicts the past. If you take any of its main subanchors and apply them to predict the arrival of ANNs that match primate vision, or ANNs that match linguistic cortex, etc, they clearly are wildly miscalibrated and predict OOM higher compute requirements than were actually required. So I spent a couple of days gathering the data and wrote up a simple model that does seem to reasonably postdict the past; I now defer to that (completely shameless plug).

I don't think that's fair. BioAnchors is the best model publicly available by many legible metrics; it does postdict the past reasonably well and while I agree that your model postdicts the past better, you didn't really spend much effort arguing for this in your post, so you shouldn't be satisfied with the fact that I agree with your conclusion. Also, I think you are using the word "Bayesian" in an unusual way here, I normally hear the phrase "bayesian model" used to mean something else, something which Bio Anchors definitely counts as.

That said, for those watching along, I do think the compute requirements Ajeya estimates are OOMs too high and have argued as much myself, and I do encourage people to think about Jacob's argument here & go read his post. I'm especially excited to see him elaborate on the (imo plausible) claim that if you apply the Bio Anchors framework to predicting e.g. human-level vision or audio or whatever, it'd be very surprised by recent progress in those areas, and therefore that it overestimates compute requirements. I'd be curious to hear Ajeya's response to that argument.

BioAnchors is the best model publicly available by many legible metrics; it does postdict the past reasonably well and while I agree that your model postdicts the past better, you didn't really spend much effort arguing for this in your post, so you shouldn't be satisfied with the fact that I agree with your conclusion.

I did spend effort arguing for a model that postdicts the past, that's much of the point of my post. So perhaps you mean I didn't spend effort comparing said postdiction ability to that of he BioAnchors model. I sketched a computable technique over the relevant dataset to a sufficient level of detail that the reader hopefully can simulate and predict the general outcome. I could go farther and actually evaluate said model on a larger dataset, but it's somewhat time consuming and the utility of that is mostly constrained by how one evaluates the intelligence or salient equivalent capabilities of various systems.

Also, I think you are using the word "Bayesian" in an unusual way here, I normally hear the phrase "bayesian model" used to mean something else, something which Bio Anchors definitely counts as.

A Bayesian model has a specific form - it is a model that computes a posterior as the product of a likelihood (which computes evidence fit) and a prior, where the prior minimally must weight against bit complexity, ala Occam/Solomonoff. The likelihood component measures the postdiction fit over the relevant evidence p(E|H) - and is required for any bayesian model.

So when I say the BioAnchors model isn't attempting to be Bayesian, I believe that is just straightforwardly true in the sense that (from what I recall at least), it doesn't even really attempt to postdict the relevant historical evidence. Now sure you could argue it's doing that implicitly, but bayesian models are usually very explicit about their likelihood (postdiction) fit.

I'm especially excited to see him elaborate on the (imo plausible) claim that if you apply the Bio Anchors framework to predicting e.g. human-level vision or audio or whatever, it'd be very surprised by recent progress in those areas, and therefore that it overestimates compute requirements.

Yeah so I encourage readers to try this on their own ... I may get to it myself and write it up, but I would need to actually study BioAnchors more closely. I didn't even look at it when writing my post, this comparison only (admittedly naturally) came up later in comments.

Did you publish the results from the timelines deference survey / are you intending to at some point in the future? Would be very cool to look at 

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