Omega will either award you $1000 or ask you to pay him $100. He will award you $1000 if he predicts you would pay him if he asked. He will ask you to pay him $100 if he predicts you wouldn't pay him if he asked.
Omega asks you to pay him $100. Do you pay?
This problem is roughly isomorphic to the branch of Transparent Newcomb (version 1, version 2) where box B is empty, but it's simpler.
Here's a diagram:
I don't understand your argument. You've just broken Omega for some reason (by letting it know something true which it's not meant to know at that point), and as a result it fails in its role in the thought experiment. Don't break Omega.
My implementation of Omega isn't broken and doesn't fail. Could you show precisely where it fails? As far as I can see, all the conditions in Bongo's post still hold for it, therefore all possible logical implications of Bongo's post should hold for it too, and so should all possible "solutions".