Omega will either award you $1000 or ask you to pay him $100. He will award you $1000 if he predicts you would pay him if he asked. He will ask you to pay him $100 if he predicts you wouldn't pay him if he asked.
Omega asks you to pay him $100. Do you pay?
This problem is roughly isomorphic to the branch of Transparent Newcomb (version 1, version 2) where box B is empty, but it's simpler.
Here's a diagram:
If both the agent and Omega are deterministic programs, and the agent is never in fact asked, that fact may be converted into a statement about natural numbers. So what you just said is equivalent to this:
I don't know, this looks shady.
Why? Say the world program W includes function f, and it's provable that W could never call f with argument 1. That doesn't mean there's no fact of the matter about what happens when f(1) is computed (though of course it might not halt). (Function f doesn't have to be called from W.)
Even if f can be regarded as a rational agent who 'knows' the source code of W, the worst that could happen is that f 'deduces' a contradiction and goes insane. That's different from the agent itself being in an inconsistent state.
Analogy: We c... (read more)