Discussion article for the meetup : Saint Petersburg meetup - "the lonely one"
We are resuming our bi-weekly schedule, even if I'm sitting at the meetups all by myself reading math papers!
Now very nice free venue is available thanks to its owner. It's a sports club, directions in the vk group (https://vk.com/c9h13no3ru). Please notify my if it's unavailable for someone without registration.
The plan is to try exercises on lonely dissent (from hpmor) if there is enough people (>=5).
Otherwise - unstructured talk/self-education on topics that are of interest for everyone.
It will last for at least 2 - 2,5 hours. You can reach me by phone - +7-(911)-843-56-44 or mail: efim.wool@gmail.com or vk: vk.com/timetravel.
P.S. I will now give meetup different names in advance just for fun.
Ooh, missed the announcement. I won't make it in time now. Anyhow, I'll keep it in mind to get in touch with you next time I'm there. Have a blast!