The next installment of the Polling Thread.
This is your chance to ask your multiple choice question you always wanted to throw in. Get qualified numeric feedback to your comments. Post fun polls.
These are the rules:
- Each poll goes into its own top level comment and may be commented there.
- You must at least vote all polls that were posted earlier than you own. This ensures participation in all polls and also limits the total number of polls. You may of course vote without posting a poll.
- Your poll should include a 'don't know' option (to avoid conflict with 2). I don't know whether we need to add a troll catch option here but we will see.
If you don't know how to make a poll in a comment look at the Poll Markup Help.
This is a somewhat regular thread. If it is successful I may post again. Or you may. In that case do the following :
- Use "Polling Thread" in the title.
- Copy the rules.
- Add the tag "poll".
- Link to this Thread or a previous Thread.
- Create a top-level comment saying 'Discussion of this thread goes here; all other top-level comments should be polls or similar'
- Add a second top-level comment with an initial poll to start participation.
Mark Mansons Most Important Question of Your Life prompted this poll.
From the article (bold by me):
So the question of this poll is: Which pain(s) are you prepared to bear? Each pain can be rated independently between 0.0 (you can't or wouldn't want to stand any of this pain) and 1.0 (you are prepared and/or willing to stand any pain (of this kind) necessary to achieve you goals). The values don't have to sum to anything. You could anwer 0.0 always to indicate that you don't want any pain of any kind at all.
(The first poll options are extracted from Mark Mansons article)
I took the freedom to add the following options for a more broad range of human experience:
Added by VAuroch:
Did I miss any? You may add them.
I had ratings from 1.0 to 0.0 with an average of .55 (I don't have the required 2 Karma to vote, but its alright). Anyway, I would say I'm middle of the road. In the right area I am willing to take risks and a few of these I've done. I had my share of no go areas and my areas where I would go full bore for the possibility of success.