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Was this perhaps meant to be a link-post for ? (Not that link-posts work well around here, unless they've been fixed lately.)

Whether it was or not, it could use some more explanation than it has either here or there. (Even if it's just a joke of some kind; without more context, any humour in it escapes me. Perhaps it's more obvious to people in the US?)

Also linkposts should now work without problems. Or at least I don't know of any bugs with them.

Ah, sorry. We set up automatic crossposting from Jacob's blog, but his RSS settings make this a bit harder. We've just been editing the stuff manually as soon as it comes out. I have it on my to-do list to change that some time. The LW2 team has all the blame to take here for the confusion.

And I am strongly in favor of Jacob continuing to automatically crosspost to here, since I do enjoy his stuff, and don't really want him to have to decide which things to crosspost and which not.

I was just about to write you to say that you've done such a good job with LW2 that I'm hanging out here quite a bit, and that at this point I'd prefer to submit the posts myself. I'll cross-post everything, but sometime I want to copy the entire thing, or just a blurb, or just a tagline. Also, if I write something I'm not confident in I like having the post up for two days before I share it anywhere so my core readers can correct the dumbest mistakes I've made.

Awesome! I will remove the automatic crossposting then.