I am interested communicating ideas visually. In general, I'm able to remember images for a longer time than I remember language, and the act of refining an idea into a drawing involves wrestling with the idea a little more deeply than I would with a simple summary in text. This is my first post here, and it's unconventional, so I'd love to get feedback about what works & doesn't work about these drawings.

I have been enjoying Nate Soares' sequence of blog posts titled Replacing Guilt, and I decided this would be good material to experiment on. This post consists of drawings I've made corresponding to the first seven posts: each post is listed here by title followed by the image I've drawn and an explanation of the image. These are not intended as a substitute for the original work, and I expect that browsing them without referencing the original posts would be a lackluster experience. If you've already read that sequence, you might find these drawings of interest.


Half-assing it with everything you've got

Remember what you're fighting for: you may follow the paved conventional path for a time before diverging from the triers.

From the post:

If you're trying to pass the class, then pass it with minimum effort. Anything else is wasted motion.

If you're trying to ace the class, then ace it with minimum effort. Anything else is wasted motion.

If you're trying to learn the material to the fullest, then mine the assignment for all its knowledge, and don't fret about your grade. Anything else is wasted motion.

Failing with abandon

You can fail gracefully instead of giving up once you've missed your deadline.

1. Fighting for something

Replacing guilt

Guilt-based motivation cannot be sustained long-term, but your current pursuits may not be sustainable with anything else. If you are not doing something you genuinely care about, you may not have any intrinsic motivation to continue doing it.

The stamp collector

When you think you care about the world, it's not just selfish motivated reasoning dressed up as altruism. You haven't deceived yourself into telling stories that make you look good: you can be genuine.

You're allowed to fight for something

There's a failure mode where you sneer at people trying to change the world, because what they're really changing is their (accurate) perception of the world. You can work to improve the world, and you shouldn't feel bad that you're secretly just trying to allay your guilt. This drawing is trying to emphasize the fact that even though your perceptions of the world are probably distorted, there is a difference between trying to change the world deliberately skewing your model to make yourself feel better. This drawing may be confusing: it illustrates what not to do. Dreaming about firefighters (or drawing them on your map) will not manifest them in the world. You should keep your beliefs about the world closely tied to what is actually in the world. Keep your map accurate.

From the post:

You only ever see the map, but you walk the territory.


You're allowed to reject arbitrarily good amounts of faked pleasure-experience in order to avoid bad real-world outcomes. You're allowed to care about whether your beliefs are actually hooked up to reality. You're allowed to care about things outside of you!

Caring about something larger than yourself

The intention of this diagram is to give permission to care about privacy or democracy or liberty or whatever your internal sense of aesthetics is drawn to.

You don't get to know what you're fighting for

When you pursue your goals, you will discover things as you go. This may change your goal. You should expect that. It's not a failure and it's not an argument to defer the pursuit of your goals. You will take the best shot you have today, and if another opportunity comes along that seems more likely to succeed, you'll take it.

I originally posted this content on my blog, then I thought people here might be interested in it. If this idea is well-received, I may create images for more posts in the series.

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I 100% support drawing pictures to have as memory aids for ideas of a post, and am glad you did this!

I don't get a few of the pictures (don't get how the "you're allowed to fight for something" image matches text") but I still support drawings and would love to see more.

Thanks Hazard! I added some more explanation for that image and pulled in a couple quotes to try and give the drawing more context. I appreciate your specific, actionable feedback and support.

Aah, it makes sense now! I'd forgotten the point of the og post it was related to, and the extra quotes you added were enough for it to click back together.

I liked this a lot. However, I didn't really understand the "Replacing Guilt" picture, the one with the two cups. Are they supposed to be coffee and water, with the idea being that coffee can keep you going short term but isn't sustainable, while water is better long term, it something?

This drawing is trying to emphasize the fact that even though your perceptions of the world are probably distorted, there is a difference between trying to change the world [and] deliberately skewing your model to make yourself feel better.

(Mod note: adjusted the size of your images since they were pretty small. Moderately confident you meant to have them bigger but didn't notice you could resize them)

Thank you, Raemon! You are correct, I didn't know I could resize them.