I’m sure many others have put much more thought into this sort of thing -- at the moment, I’m too lazy to look for it, but if anyone has a link, I’d love to check it out.
Anyway, I ran into some interesting musings on game theory for immortal agents and I thought it was interesting enough to talk about.
Cooperation in games like the iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma is partly dependent on the probability of encountering the other player again. Axelrod (1981) gives the payoff for a sequence of 'cooperate's as R/(1-p) where R is the payoff for cooperating, and p is a discount parameter that he takes as the probability of the players meeting again (and recognizing each other, etc.). If you assume that both players continue playing for eternity in a randomly mixing, finite group of other players, then the probability of encountering the other player again approaches 1, and the payoff for an extended period of cooperation approaches infinity.
So, take a group of rational, immortal agents, in a prisoner’s dilemma game. Should we expect them to cooperate?
I realize there is no optimal strategy without reference to the other players’ strategies, and that the universe is not actually infinite in time, so this is not a perfect model on at least two counts, but I wanted to look at the simple case before adding complexities.
You're right.
In this case, assuming immortals had perfect memories and would eventually work out that you didn't, assuming you were an immortal who can't remember if you've played that particular opponent before (But can vaguely remember an idea of how often you get defected on vs. co-operated with by the entire field) what do you think your optimal strategy would be?
It's pretty complicated! I think you'd need to write down equations to figure it out properly and it would be very non-trivial. That said, assuming there's only games and no communication, you probably want to start off cooperating or randomising between cooperation and defection (depending on pay-offs), and then shift to more and more defection over time until you always defect in the end. Meanwhile, the immortals with memories would probably want to start off mostly cooperating but sometimes defecting to figure out who, if anyone, doesn't have memories. (Disclaimer: while this sounds like a plausible set of equilibrium strategies, there may be more complicated equilibria that I didn't think of or some other weird cases.)