Suppose that your current estimate for possibility of an AI takeoff coming in the next 10 years is some probability x. As technology is constantly becoming more sophisticated, presumably your probability estimate 10 years from now will be some y > x. And 10 years after that, it will be z > y. My question is, does there come a point in the future where, assuming that an AI takeoff has not yet happened in spite of much advanced technology, you begin to revise your estimate downward with each passing year? If so, how many decades (centuries) from now would you expect the inflection point in your estimate?
An argument that is often mentioned is the relatively small difference between chimpanzees and humans. But that huge effect, increase in intelligence, rather seems like an outlier and not the rule. Take for example the evolution of echolocation, it seems to have been a gradual progress with no obvious quantum leaps. The same can be said about eyes and other features exhibited by biological agents.
Is it reasonable to assume that such quantum leaps are the rule, based on a single case study?
Maybe the fact that those other examples aren't intelligence supports the original argument that intelligence works in quantum leaps.
You can even take examples from within humanity, the smartest humans are capable of things far beyond the dumbest (I doubt even a hundred village idiots working together could do what Einstein managed), and in this case there is not even any difference in brain size or speed.