So you think its important to be able to estimate how well you are estimating something? Here is a fun test that has been given to plenty of other people.
I highly recommend you take the test before reading any more.
The discussion of this test at the blog it is quoted in is quite interesting, but I recommend you read it after taking the test. Similarly, one might anticipate there will be interesting discussion here on the test and whether it means what we want it to mean and so on.
My great apologies if this has been posted before. I did my bast with google trying to find any trace of this test, but if this has already been done, please let me know and ideally, let me know how I can remove my own duplicate post.
PS: The Southern California meetup 19 Dec 2010 was fantastic, thanks so much JenniferRM for setting it up. This post on my part is an indirect result of what we discussed and a fun game we played while we were there.
More than an order of magnitude! My answers often crossed six orders of magnitude, and I still only got 5/10!
My estimate for the volume of the Great Lakes spanned several orders of magnitude, because I multiplied the uncertainties in all three dimensions.
Which has relevance to real scenarios: an estimate with several independent uncertainties had better give a range, if not strictly the product of all of them, at least wider than an estimate with just one similar uncertainty.