Below is a message from my friends at Giving What We Can and 80,000 Hours, two key organizations in the efficient charity or "optimal philanthropy" movement.
Giving What We Can and 80,000 Hours are both taking paid staff from next year. So if you would be interested in working part or full-time next year for either of these two organisations, then please send an e-mail to by the 2nd March, 5pm GMT, with a short description telling us a little bit about yourself. We can then send you further information on how to apply, and on what working with us would involve.
Areas in which we are particularly interested in hiring are:
Strategic Research. Both organisations are highly concerned to know whether their method is the optimal way to make the world a better place; and, if it isn’t, how we can improve it. We’re looking to hire staff to help us to answer that question.
If you have strong research skills, have performed well academically, and are sympathetic to the GWWC or 80k way of thinking, then you would fit well into this role. Relevant background subjects include but are not limited to: philosophy, mathematics, economics and the other sciences.
Operations and management. In order for the organisations to remain secure and successful, we would need strong support on an operational level.
If you have an eye for detail, and especially if you have previous experience working within operations or management, then you could flourish in this role.
Volunteer Recruitment. Both organisations are largely run by volunteers, and are looking to expand significantly next year. We’re especially looking to recruit highly dedicated volunteers who are willing to work 10hrs/week or more.
If you are people-minded, or have experience with volunteer-run organisations previously, then this could be the role for you.
Potential employment is not limited to these roles, however, and there would be considerable room for any employee to partially write their own role. What we are principally looking for are dedicated people who understand and support the GWWC or 80k approach to making the world a better place.
For those who haven't heard of the organisations before, here is a short description:
Giving What We Can is concerned with two primary activities: encouraging people to give more and to give more effectively to causes that fight poverty in the developing world. Every member of the organisation pledges to give at least 10% of their income to the charities that best fight extreme poverty. Giving What We Can also does in-depth charity evaluation, and advocates that people give more to the most cost-effective charities. We've so far raised over $1.5 million to the expectedly best development charities, with over $40,000,000 pledged.
80,000 Hours encourages people to pursue a high-impact ethical career: a career that enables them to do as much to make the world a better place as possible. The careers it highlights are professional philanthropy – pursuing a lucrative career in order to donate a substantial proportion of one’s earnings to the best causes – and careers in certain research areas or careers through which one can have a large influence over others. It now has 74 members, and has also received major media coverage.
A major aim of both organisations is to build the movement of effective altruists: people who take a rational approach to making the world as good a place as possible, and are willing to put that idea into practice. Between the two organisations, the ultimate cause is not limited to global poverty alleviation. For example, we are doing research into optimal x-risk mitigation strategy, and cost-effectiveness evaluation of x-risk mitigation organisations.
If you were to work for either organisation, you would have considerable flexibility in your work, as part of a young and fast-growing charity. You’d be working in the company of other highly intelligent and enthusiastic staff, among a community of people doing their best to make a huge positive impact on the world. It’s an exciting opportunity!
So, even if you’re not sure, but you’re interested in finding out more, please register your interest by e-mailing
Thanks for your interest,
The GWWC and 80K Teams
As I mentioned before, it seems to me that the SIAI could really use a competent volunteer coordinator.
I'm enjoying the scope ambiguity in the phrase "competent volunteer coordinator".