Atheists trying to justify themselves often find themselves asked to replace religion. “If there’s no God, what’s your system of morality?” “How did the Universe begin?” “How do you explain the existence of eyes?” “How do you find meaning in life?” And the poor atheist, after one question too many, is forced to say “I don’t know.” After all, he’s not a philosopher, cosmologist, psychologist, and evolutionary biologist rolled into one. And even they don’t have all the answers.
But the atheist, if he retains his composure, can say, “I don’t know, but so what? There’s still something that doesn’t make sense about what you learned in Sunday school. There’s still something wrong with your religion. The fact that I don’t know everything won’t make the problem go away.”
What I want to emphasize here, even though it may be elementary, is that it can be valuable and accurate to say something’s wrong even when you don’t have a full solution or a replacement.
Consider political radicals. Marxists, libertarians, anarchists, greens, John Birchers. Radicals are diverse in their political theories, but they have one critical commonality: they think something’s wrong with the status quo. And that means, in practice, that different kinds of radicals sometimes sound similar, because they’re the ones who criticize the current practices of the current government and society. And it’s in criticizing that radicals make the strongest arguments, I think. They’re sketchy and vague in designing their utopias, but they have moral and evidentiary force when they say that something’s wrong with the criminal justice system, something’s wrong with the economy, something’s wrong with the legislative process.
Moderates, who are invested in the status quo, tend to simply not notice problems, and to dismiss radicals for not having well-thought-out solutions. But it’s better to know that a problem exists than to not know – regardless of whether you have a solution at the moment.
Most people, confronted with a problem they can’t solve, say “We just have to live with it,” and very rapidly gloss into “It’s not really a problem.” Aging is often painful and debilitating and ends in death. Almost everyone has decided it’s not really a problem – simply because it has no known solution. But we also used to think that senile dementia and toothlessness were “just part of getting old.” I would venture that the tendency, over time, to find life’s cruelties less tolerable and to want to cure more of them, is the most positive feature of civilization. To do that, we need people who strenuously object to what everyone else approaches with resignation.
Theodore Roosevelt wrote, “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.”
But it is the critic who counts. Just because I can’t solve P=NP doesn’t mean I can’t say the latest attempt at a proof is flawed. Just because I don’t have a comprehensive system of ethics doesn’t mean there’s not something wrong with the Bible’s. Just because I don’t have a plan for a perfect government doesn’t mean there isn’t something wrong with the present one. Just because I can’t make people live longer and healthier lives doesn’t mean that aging isn’t a problem. Just because nobody knows how to end poverty doesn’t mean poverty is okay. We are further from finding solutions if we dismiss the very existence of the problems.
This is why I’m basically sympathetic to speculations about existential risk, and also to various kinds of research associated with aging and mortality. It’s calling attention to unsolved problems. There’s a human bias against acknowledging the existence of problems for which we don’t have solutions; we need incentives in the other direction, encouraging people to identify hard problems. In mathematics, we value a good conjecture or open problem, even if the proof doesn’t come along for decades. This would be a good norm to adopt more broadly – value the critic, value the one who observes a flaw, notices a hard problem, or protests an outrage, even if he doesn’t come with a solution. Fight the urge to accept a bad solution just because it ties up the loose ends.
And I think that's giving moderates (even expert moderates) way too much credit -- a kind of "anti-caricature". In practice, what happens is that moderates are unable to articulate what that specific compromise of competing interests is. This leads the radical to conclude that moderates are just mindlessly rationalizing the status quo, refusing to put the thought into it that the radicals have.
Consider the example of gay rights discussed a while back. There were people that had debated the issue for years and years, and yet hadn't seen any argument more convincing than "gays = evil" until I mentioned them -- and that was after significant search on my part!
Or to use your example:
Here's what actually happens:
Radical: "Hey, why should government run schools? Why not lift the taxes for it and let parents buy this on a market or via some mutualist arrangement? That would make everyone better off. Anyone who couldn't afford it could get state assistance like any other such program, but even then they'd be better off, for the same reason it makes more sense for the government to give out food stamps than run farms."
What moderates would say if they acted like you suggest: "Oh no, see, the current system involves lots of parents who have spent a lot of money to get a home in a district that allows them to go to a school without the riff-raff, and decoupling the school from the home location would be hugely unfair to them [via destroying home value]. Plus, we have to recognize the voting rights of all adults, which include lots of well-organized government employees who are heavily invested in the current system. You could include a 'buy-out' for them, but this would look like extortion, and no one would go along with that."
What moderates actually say: 1) "How dare you attack the public schools, terrorist! You hate teachers. Prove to me that markets don't fail in this area." Or, my favorite, 2) "When you're a parent [who has blown a third of your future after-tax income on getting your children into a good school district], you'll understand."
Note that here I was talking about radicals "just saying something's wrong", and arguing that it didn't really provide much useful information (unlike what SarahC seemed to imply).
So your counter-example of my imaginary country doesn't really fall under the heading, it falls under the "finding improvements" section here:
Ar... (read more)