Discussion article for the meetup : Fort Collins, Colorado Meetup Thursday 7pm
Freshly back from Less Wrong Central, copt and EvelynM have new games and stories of wizardry in the West.
Freshly back from Less Wrong Central, copt and EvelynM have new games and stories of wizardry in the West.
Hi! I'm in town from Tucson for the week, and I'm super interested in meeting some new LessWrongers. Unfortunately, I'm busy right at 7; if I drop in later, at 8:30 or 9:00, will people still be there?
Yes, although The Bean Cycle (where it will be held) closes at nine. There will likely be an afterparty-type affair, however.
Yes, although The Bean Cycle (where it will be held) closes at nine. There will likely be an afterparty-type affair, however.