There was a recent discussion considering the idea of a monthly Book (later expanded to movies, links, etc) thread. The poll was pretty unanimous that this was A Good Idea (tm), so let's give it a try!
Post what you're reading or watching, and your opinion of it. Post recommendations to blogs. Post whatever media you feel like discussing!
I encourage minimal down-voting in the comments here, because this is a thread for sharing subjective experiences, and I would like people to feel comfortable posting their personal opinion without fearing a karma backlash. If you disagree with a person's recommendation, respond with a comment instead.
I think this is a post that lends itself to comment trees, so I will start one with the categories: Books, Movies, Other, and Meta.
I am interested in hearing if you all think it's a good idea to separate out fiction and non-fiction. (So that the Book thread doesn't have Discworld next to Influence, for example. Or so the movie thread doesn't have documentaries interspersed with rom-coms or what-not)
Poster's Note: Wheee! I made my first working link on the discussion post writing interface! I can learn stuffs!
If one is going to be consuming entertainment media anyway for psychological reasons (e.g. it makes you happy) it would be useful to maximise the side benefits one gets from that media to save time that one would use to get them in other circumstances. (E.g. reading fiction with strong political philosophical themes as a supplement/alternative to reading introductory texts on the subjects).
Also, if nothing else, people enjoy discussing and analysing media, if people do enjoyable things in the less wrong community they are more likely to spend time there, hence contributing to human rationality.