Discussion article for the meetup : Dallas - Fort Worth Less Wrong Meetup 4/29/12

WHEN: 29 April 2012 01:00:00PM (-0500)

WHERE: America's Best Coffee, Arlington

I apologize for the short notice.  The Dallas / Fort Worth metroplex area desperately needs a Less Wrong meetup! Fun fact – it is the largest metro area in the US that does not have an active meetup group!

That said - I shall be sitting at America's Best Coffee [3751 Matlock Road, Arlington TX 76105] from 1 PM to 3 PM (at the very least) on Sundays starting Sunday April 29th. Come out and meet some DFW LessWrongers.

Leading isn't really my thing, but I realize that I can't wait around forever for someone else to get the ball rolling! I am really interested in improving my mind to behave more rationally, especially with respect to instrumental rationality. I've been a self-improvement junkie for a while (Starting Strength, Toastmasters, improv, and PUA for about a year now), but only recently discovered LessWrong. Some of the recent articles sparked me to write this post. I'm working my way through some of the core sequences, slowly but surely.

I'm looking forward to meeting you folks. Message me if you plan on going so we can trade contact info beforehand.

Discussion article for the meetup : Dallas - Fort Worth Less Wrong Meetup 4/29/12

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Here is the podcast I was refering to: http://commonsenseatheism.com/?p=12147

I will try to make it. I should be there around 1.

I'm very excited about this. I have one potential conflict that would keep me away, but otherwise I intend to be there.

Good work on taking the initiative to start the L.W. meetup. Kudos!

I can't attend in the listed hours. I live in the area, but I work third shift and sleep days.


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Summary of Quine's epistemology: http://www.liquid-graphics.net/misc/files/Two Dogmas of Empiricism.docx

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For me, Quine expresses the most accurate model of what knowledge is. You can read his full article, Two Dogmas of Empiricism, but it's a bit technical. A summary of the pertinent points can be found here: http://www.liquid-graphics.net/misc/files/Two Dogmas of Empiricism.docx

Thanks, Morpheo, for that link. For some reason the whole address didn't get underlined, but I think everyone can figure it out.

OP here. I forgot to bring a "LessWrong" sign (or paper).

I'm in a green shirt + jeans and have a gateway laptop with an apple sticker on it. My name is "Mike."

EDIT: From our discussion, here's the links we talked about:




arlington is quite a drive for most people in the metroplex.

perhaps we should take a page out of reddit's book, and instead of trying to have a single DFW meet, have a dallas meet and a fw meet.

Yea, I was aware of this. I didn't know what kind of turnout there would be, and I was planning on splitting it into Dallas and Fort Worth meet ups once there was enough folks to keep the momentum going.

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