Related to: Optimal Employment, Best career models for doing research?, (Virtual) Employment Open Thread
In Optimal Employment Louie discussed some biases that lead people away from optimal employment, and gave working in Australia as an option for such employment. What are some other options?
Your optimal employment will depend on how much you care about a variety of things (free time, money, etc.) so when discussing options it might be helpful to say what you're trying to optimize for.
In addition to proposing options we could list resources that might be helpful for generating or implementing options.
This sounds like a potentially brilliant idea. I assume it would take the form of a discussion-level post at first. But I have mixed feelings.
On the downside: I personally am not quite sure I'm ready to expose myself as the cautionary tale that is my work life by revealing the full sordid details of my current, quite suboptimal employment. It goes against the grain of my conditioned impulse to always project success. If I were using my real name as my username, I'd be damned if I'd be open and honest about my job. Employers and hiring managers know how to use Google.
On the upside: LW is all about confronting and correcting the errors in one's thinking isn't it? Plus, it would be networking! Somebody on this forum might know somebody who is looking for somebody just like me!
That's just my take. I can only imagine what other people here would make of a LW careers fair.
That's what fake IDs are for! They will provide us with interesting data point without your handle being tarnished.