This post is part of the sequence version of the Effective Altruism Foundation's research agenda on Cooperation, Conflict, and Transformative Artificial Intelligence.


As noted in the document, several sections of this agenda drew on writings by Lukas Gloor, Daniel Kokotajlo, Anni Leskelä, Caspar Oesterheld, and Johannes Treutlein. Thank you very much to David Althaus, Tobias Baumann, Alexis Carlier, Alex Cloud, Max Daniel, Michael Dennis, Lukas Gloor, Adrian Hutter, Daniel Kokotajlo, János Kramár, David Krueger, Anni Leskelä, Matthijs Maas, Linh Chi Nguyen, Richard Ngo, Caspar Oesterheld, Mahendra Prasad, Rohin Shah, Carl Shulman, Stefan Torges, Johannes Treutlein, and Jonas Vollmer for comments on drafts of this document. Thank you also to the participants of the Effective Altruism Foundation research retreat and workshops, whose contributions also helped to shape this agenda.


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Paul Christiano. Prosaic ai alignment., 2016b. Accessed: March 13 2019.

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Paul Christiano. Preface to the sequence on iterated amplification., 2018b. Accessed March 6, 2019.

Paul Christiano. Preface to the sequence on iterated amplification., 2018c. Accessed: October 10 2019.

Paul Christiano. Techniques for optimizing worst-case performance., 2018d. Accessed: June 24, 2019.

Paul Christiano. What failure looks like., 2019. Accessed: July 2 2019.

Paul Christiano and Robert Wiblin. Should we leave a helpful message for future civilizations, just in case humanity dies out?, 2019. Accessed: September 25, 2019.

Paul F Christiano, Jan Leike, Tom Brown, Miljan Martic, Shane Legg, and Dario Amodei. Deep reinforcement learning from human preferences. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pages 4299-4307, 2017.

Mark Coeckelbergh. Can we trust robots? Ethics and information technology, 14(1):53-60, 2012.

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Ajeya Cotra. Iterated distillation and amplification., 2018. Accessed: July 25 2019.

Jacob W Crandall, Mayada Oudah, Fatimah Ishowo-Oloko, Sherief Abdallah, Jean-François Bonnefon, Manuel Cebrian, Azim Shariff, Michael A Goodrich, Iyad Rahwan, et al. Cooperating with machines. Nature communications, 9(1):233, 2018.

Andrew Critch. A parametric, resource-bounded generalization of loeb’s theorem, and a robust cooperation criterion for open-source game theory. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, pages 1-15, 2019.

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Daniel Dewey. My current thoughts on miri’s “highly reliable agent design” work., 2017. Accessed: October 6 2019.

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