All of ailyr's Comments + Replies

Maybe, the total number of incidents rises just because with the spread of the Internet and other communications technologies, it's easier to get information about terrorists attacks. For example, there definitely were terrorist attacks in USSR before 1989(, but they aren't mentioned in GTD.

Any recommendations for some books or online resources on management?

I've recently became a team leader of a small(5 people) group of software developers. I haven't had management experience before, so I want to learn something about it. But I suspect that most of literature in this sphere is bullshit, not based on good evidence. I am interested to know what information on management LW users found useful.

Maybe deontological theory can be formalized as parliamentary fraction that have the only one right option for each decision and always vote for this option and can't be bargained to change its vote. This formalization have an unfortunate consequence: if some deontological theory have more then the 50% credence, agent will always act on it. But if no deontological theory have more then the 50% fraction, this formalization can be reasonable.


Minor nitpick: I think it is better to clarify definition of Europe in calibration question. Because if you go to Wikipedia to check which definition of Europe survey authors had in mind, you will immediately see Europe population on the same page.

I interpreted that as "Include uncertainty about Wikipedia's definition of Europe."