Therefore rational beliefs are contagious, among honest folk who believe each other to be honest. And it’s why a claim that your beliefs are not contagious—that you believe for private reasons which are not transmissible—is so suspicious. If your beliefs are entangled with reality, they should be contagious among honest folk.
I don't get this inference. seems like the belief itself is the evidence -- and you entangle your friend with the object of your belief just by telling them your belief -- regardless if you can explain the reasons? (private beliefs seem to me suspicious on other grounds)
I feel like I don't understand how this model explains the biggest mystery of expereinces sometimes having the reverse impact on your beliefs vs. what they should.
...The more technical version of this same story is that habituation requires a perception of safety, but (like every other perception) this one depends on a combination of raw evidence and context. The raw evidence (the Rottweiler sat calmly wagging its tail) looks promising. But the context is a very strong prior that dogs are terrifying. If the prior is strong enough, it overwhelms the real exper