Anything/anyone trying to predict the future will have "being right" as its best interest. Be it a machine or a human being. If I predict GOOPGOOP coin is going to hit $1M market cap, I have all the incentive to make it happen (competitive systems will invariably cause negative phenomena to emerge).
I won't consider it a chilling narrative of AI based prediction markets, I'd rather consider this as a layout of the agency problem that's present in every single relationship and more as a prompt for us to look inward in our own decision-making dynamics
Anything/anyone trying to predict the future will have "being right" as its best interest. Be it a machine or a human being. If I predict GOOPGOOP coin is going to hit $1M market cap, I have all the incentive to make it happen (competitive systems will invariably cause negative phenomena to emerge).
I won't consider it a chilling narrative of AI based prediction markets, I'd rather consider this as a layout of the agency problem that's present in every single relationship and more as a prompt for us to look inward in our own decision-making dynamics
Having s... (read more)