They seem to be created by And yes, it is really easy to create songs - you can either have it create the lyrics for you based on a prompt (the default), or you can write/paste the lyrics yourself (Custom Mode). Songs can be up to ~2 minutes long I think.
No, the letter has not been falsified.
Just to clarify: ~700 out of ~770 OpenAI employees have signed the letter (~90%)
Out of the 10 authors of the autointerpretability paper, only 5 have signed the letter. This is much lower than the average rate. One out of the 10 is no longer at OpenAI, so couldn't have signed it, so it makes sense to count this as 5/9 rather than 5/10. Either way, it's still well below the average rate.
There is an updated list of 702 who have signed the letter (as of the time I'm writing this) here: (direct link to pdf:
Nick Cammarata left OpenAI ~8 weeks ago, so he couldn't have signed the letter.
Out of the remaining 6 core research contributors:
Out ...
It seems like a strategy by investors or even large tech companies to create a self-fulfilling prophecy to create a coalition of OpenAI employees, when there previously was none.
How is this more likely than the alternative, which is simply that this is an already-existing coalition that supports Sam Altman as CEO? Considering that he was CEO until he was suddenly removed yesterday, it would be surprising if most employees and investors didn't support him. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're claiming here?
Yeah, the impression I get is that if investors are going to the trouble to leak their plot to journalists (even if anonymously), then they are probably hoping to benefit from it acting as a rallying cry/Schelling point. This is a pretty basic thing for intra-org conflicts.
This indicates, at minimum, that the coalition they're aiming for will become stronger than if they had taken the default action and not leaked their plan to journalists. It seems to me more likely that the coalition they're hoping for doesn't exist at all or is too diffused, and they're...
If you follow the link, under the section "Free Market Seen as Best, Despite Inequality", Vietnam is the country with the highest agreement by far with the statement "Most people are better off in a free market economy, even though some people are rich and some are poor" (95%!)
That being said, while it is the most pro-capitalism country, it is clearly not the most capitalist country (although it's not that bad, 72nd out of 176 countries ranked:, and it would likely be more capitalist today if South Vietnam had won.
Note that another way of phrasing the poll is:
Everyone responding to this poll chooses between a blue pill or red pill.
- if you choose red pill, you live
- if you choose blue pill, you die unless >50% of ppl choose blue pill
Which do you choose?
I bet the poll results would be very different if it was phrased this way.
Does anyone doubt that, with at most a few very incremental technological steps from today, one could train a multimodal, embodied large language model (“RobotGPT”), to which you could say, “please fill up the cauldron”, and it would just do it, using a reasonable amount of common sense in the process — not flooding the room, not killing anyone or going to any other extreme lengths, and stopping if asked?
Indeed, isn't PaLM-SayCan an early example of this?
Yes, anarcho-capitalists accept that ~everyone will hire a security agency. This isn't a refutation of anarchism.
The point is that security agencies have incentive to compete on quality, whereas current governments don't (as much), so the quality of security agencies would be higher than the quality of governments today.
I agree that there is a good chance that this solution is not actually SOTA, and that it is important to distinguish the three sets.
There's a further distinction between 3 guesses per problem (which is allowed according to the original specification as Ryan notes), and 2 guesses per problem (which is currently what the leaderboard tracks [rules]).
Some additional comments / minor corrections:
AFAICT, the current SOTA-on-the-private-test-set with 3 submissions per pr... (read more)