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I only visit the site every month or so and I use All Posts grouped by Weekly to "catch up". It looks like that particular page does not have support for this kind of tag-specific penalty. :/

one would expect to find a lot of opportunities to be funded to do good work.

This reader is a software engineer with over a decade of experience. I'm paid handsomely and live in a remote rural area. I am married with three kids. The idea that my specialized experience of building SaaS products in Scala would somehow port over to AI research seems ludicrous. I am certain I'm cognitively capable enough to contribute to AI research, but I'd be leaving a career where I'm compensated based on my experience for one where I'm starting over anew.

Surely OpenPhil and FTX would not match my current salary in order to start my career over, all while allowing me to remain in my current geography (instead of uprooting my kids from friends and school)? It seems unlikely I'd have such a significant leg up over a recent college graduate with a decent GPA so as to warrant matching my software engineering salary.

This is the first thing I've read set in dath ilan and I think I'd enjoy reading more.

I see the tag wiki lists several other writings in dath ilan, would anyone here care to suggest a reading order for me?