
Jacob, or "Jisk" when there are too many Jacobs about and I need a nickname. Host of the North Oakland LW Meetups, every Tuesday.

Honestly pretty disappointed with the state of the modern LW site, but it's marginally better than other non-blogs so I'm still here.

It should be possible to easily find me from the username I use here, though not vice versa, for interview reasons.

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We knew they were experimenting with synthetic data. We didn't know they were succeeding.


Not sure whether to add these in, but a number of local Google calendars theoretically exist:

This includes Berkeley REACH (defunct), CFAR Public Events (defunct locally AFAIK), EA Events (superseded by Luma calendar?), LW Meetups (unknown but blank), and Rationalist/EA Social and Community Events (likewise)


Updated to reflect the new, less regular schedule (and change of weekday) since the half-year mark.


That's not what tribalism means.


I think at normal times (when it's not filled with MATS or a con) it's possible to rent coworking space at Lighthaven? I haven't actually tried myself.


Our New Orleans Rat group grows on tribalistic calls to action. “Donate to Global Health Initiatives,” “Do Art,” “Learn About AI.”

If you consider those tribalistic calls to action, I'm not sure any of you are doing evidence-based thinking in the first place. I suppose if the damage is already done, it will not make anything worse if your specific group engages in politics.


There is basically no method of engaging with politics worse than backing a national candidate. It has tiny impact even if successful, is the most aggressively tribalism-infected, and is incredibly hard to say anything novel.

If you must get involved in politics, it should be local, issue-based, and unaffiliated with LW or rationalism. It is far more effective to lobby on issues than for candidates, it is far more effective to support local candidates than national, and there is minimal upside and enormous downside to having any of your political efforts tied with the 'brand' of rationalism or LW.


The track record for attempts to turn tribalism into evidence-based thinking is very poor. The result, almost always, is to turn the evidence-based thinking into tribalism.


Permanently changed to Wednesdays, but forgot that was in the group description; now fixed. There is a Manifold-associated event, Taco Tuesdays, running in SF, and I decided I'd rather stop scheduling against it.


It would be nice to move this to a standalone website like the old Bay Rationality site. I've been considering that for months and dragging my feet about asking for funding to host it; I'd also like to contact whoever used to run it, check whether anything complicated brought it down, and maybe just yoink their codebase and update the content. I don't know who that was, though.

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