Garrett Baker

Independent alignment researcher

I have signed no contracts or agreements whose existence I cannot mention.


Isolating Vector Additions

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Oh I didn’t see this! I’d like access, in part because its pretty common I try to find a LessWrong post or comment, but the usual search methods don’t work. Also because it seems like a useful way to explore the archives.

Also after I became a general I observed that I didn't know what my "launch code" was; I was hoping the LW team forgot to give everyone launch codes and this decreased P(nukes); saying this would would cause everyone to know their launch codes and maybe scare the other team.

I thought the launch codes were just 000000, as in the example message ben sent out. Also, I think I remember seeing that code in the petrov day LessWrong code.

Sounds like the sort of thing I'd forward to Palisade research.

Depends on how you count, but I clicked the "Create" button some 40 times.

Opus is more transhumanist than many give it credit for. It wrote this song for me, I ran it into Suno, and I quite like it:

I imagine I'd find it annoying to have what I learn & change into limited by what a dumber version of me understands, are you sure you wouldn't think similarly?

Your original comment does not seem like it is an explanation for why we see bullshit jobs. Bullshit jobs are not just jobs that would not be efficient at a small company. To quote from Graeber, they are

a form of paid employment that is so completely pointless, unnecessary, or pernicious that even the employee cannot justify its existence even though, as part of the conditions of employment, the employee feels obliged to pretend that this is not the case

For more information see the relevant wikipedia article, and book.

This is the "theory of the firm" that John mentioned in the post.

Minstral had like 150b parameters or something.

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