All of damiensnyder's Comments + Replies

29% muscle, 46% fat, and 45% neither

doesn't add up to 100%—typo?

I don't understand why "scheming AI exfiltrates itself" and "scheming AI hacks its datacenter" are considered to be rogue deployments. Wouldn't the unmonitored deployments in those cases be catastrophes themselves, caused by a monitored, not-yet-roguely-deployed AI?

Thanks for writing this! I have a few questions, to make sure I'm understanding the architecture correctly:

So, essentially, the above pulls a transformation of the current state, fed through an action-conditioned dynamics network, close to a transformation from the future state.

Is this transformation an image augmentation, like you mention regarding SimSiam? Is the transformation the same for both states? And is the dynamics network also trained in this step?

Is the representation network trained in the same operation that trains the state-value and act... (read more)

This one may backfire....

2Eli Tyre

If you read "Preventable disease kills thousand daily" five days in a row, why do I buy the newspaper on the 6th day?

You don't :) I write:

The problem with such a newspaper is that they would go out of business. After all, if the headline has been the same for the last month, even if it is the most important action item in the world, people will stop learning anything from it.

However, by bringing up that extreme example, I approach the question of whether it makes sense to move on from news stories just because they are no longer novel—after all, the... (read more)

I see no reason why you wouldn't add new information if you want to do another story on the same topic the way it's done currently.  At the New York Times you have a bunch of editors sitting together and deciding about what the narrative should be. Then they send out reporters over months to search for stories to fit into the narrative. If the New York Times editors want something to stay the narrative they send out reporters to seek more stories that fit into the narrative. There's no need to repeat the same story twice.  And they are one of the worst pieces of journalism because they treat clean/nonclean as a binary when it isn't. Pretending that it's a binary instead of reporting on the changes in grey does a massive disservice to the readers. 

If someone shared a bad article with me so I would contribute to their refund, I think I would not like them as much afterward :P

One way to keep people from sharing bad content is to display the proportion of previous viewers who paid to the author. This would be a useful way for readers to find good content, too. But the big problem I see is that, unless a reader is scrupulously honest, their payment decision is fairly arbitrary, which might lead them to refund every article (while expecting the same in return).

They wouldn't share directly with you, but on a Facebook page -- more impact. ;) I am pretty sure humans would find ways to game any metric. For example, paying yourself for reading your own articles... increases the proportion of happy readers. It would help if you could first set the price to $0.001, give yourself 1000 happy reads, then set the price to $1 (or whatever would be usual).
Answer by damiensnyder10

In my experience, I don't usually get to choose. I am ineffective and distractable when I am unmotivated, so the vast majority of worthwhile work occurs when I am motivated. Over time this has led me to "ride the tide" of motivation when it is present, and not to force it when it is not. For externally imposed work, pushing work off to deadlines has caused much less frustration than attempting to start early and work steadily. If you are not constrained by motivation, it seems like working slowly and steadily would be preferable for large projects, because... (read more)

I may have been unclear in my post, because I agree with a lot of your viewpoints.

If you want to pay your sportsballers a bajillion dollars that money has to come from somewhere. In general, the market has decided that ads are the optimal way of paying for things that people don't want to pay directly for.

I dedicated only about a sentence and a half to this, because I think it deserves a separate post, but I don't want to pay my sportsballers a bajillion dollars. I view the fact that people don't want to pay for entertainment as an indictment on entert... (read more)

There are plenty of amateur sports events that don't have either paid sports people or advertising. I think most people prefer the professional events over amateur events.
3Stuart Anderson

the branding potentially has some value to the consumers. It gives suppliers more to lose.

Thanks for bringing this up. I wrote this post largely as a way to gather feedback on my perceptions of the role of advertising, and this is a good example of something I wouldn't have otherwise thought of.

After thinking about it a little more, though, I'm still not convinced advertising solves this problem. For example, even if no detergent brands were well-known, I would buy detergent without worrying about its quality. The store that sells it to me has its own r... (read more)

Thanks for this. Some aspects of your story were very similar to my own life in a way that made the message stand out more. Specifically the desire to impress people instead of asking for attention. In general, asking for things triggers an aversion for me that if I rely on others to get something, I must not be good enough to do it myself, and I didn't really earn it. This causes me to do everything myself when I don't need to. It also causes me to never ask for things if I might not need them, might not get them, or might not deserve them.

The idea that s... (read more)

Glad a part related!  Yeah, the particular self-narrative one has probably does a lot of the shaping of everything else. The messages from others that I attend to would be a bit different from you.

I have only a broad overview of AI, AI risk, and the topics surrounding it. I've encountered the idea that superintelligent AI picking an optimal future is likely to be lured by "siren worlds," which are bad but are optimized to seem optimal. I vaguely grasped why this might happen, but I didn't give the theory much credence. (Mainly I thought it was less likely that a bad world could seem optimal than that a good world could seem optimal.) However, I just discovered this comment:

This optimistic conjecture could be tested by looking to see what image max

... (read more)

I'm confused by the examples in this post. I don't dispute that Costco and Berkshire Hathaway are successful, but they are more stable than high-upside. As well, China and Facebook hardly seem to be failing on the whole. The situations are also different between the successful and the upside decay examples, because both Facebook and China are titans compared to Costco. The thesis of this post seems to be that unvirtue causes a loss of weak ties which decreases upside which causes failure. That a lack of virtue loses weak ties seems obvious, and I accept it... (read more)