Interesting idea! I’d like to try this, but question: a lot of my tasks are half day projects which have to be done in sequence. How would your box move rescue system work there? Move the entire project one box along?
Do you mean that the half-day projects have to be in sequence relative to the other half-day projects, or within a particular half-day project, its contents have to be in sequence (so you can't for instance miss the first step then give up and skip to the second step)?
In general if things have to be done in sequence, often I make the tasks non-specific, e.g. lets say i want to read a set of chapters in order, then i might make the tasks 'read a chapter' rather than 'read the first chapter' etc. Then if I were to fail at the first one, I would keep reading the first chapter to grab the second item, then when I eventually rescued what would have been the first chapter, I would collect it by reading whatever chapter I was up to. (This is all hypothetical—I never read chapters that fast.)
That’s exactly what I meant - sequence within the half day project. And thanks for the tip - I’m gonna try this.