I get the sense that I don't read actively very much. By which I mean I have a collection of papers that have seemed interesting based on abstract / title but which I haven't spent the time to engage further.
For the next 2 weeks, will experiment with writing a note every day about a paper I find interesting.
Feedback from various people: the “opaqueness” criterion is really important. Simple schemes like jargon, speaking in a different language, or redefining words via OOCR aren’t sufficiently “opaque” because a human overseer could still understand the CoT if effort was expended.
This makes model organisms of steg really hard to make IMO.
OTOH I think we don’t need “strict opaqueness” for CoT unfaithfulness to be concerning.
Maybe we need to borrow an idea from AI control and assume an oversight budget; under this model, even if a model doesn’t engage in full-blown steganography, increased amounts of obfuscation (like using more jargon) might still make it impractical to verify the full CoT.
Rough thoughts on getting better at integrating AI into workflows
AI (in the near future) likely has strengths and weaknesses vs human cognition. Optimal usage may not involve simply replacing human cognition, but leveraging AI and human cognition according to respective strengths and weaknesses.
Additional thoughts on how RL fine-tuning would induce obfuscation.
Making language models refuse robustly might be equivalent to making them deontological.
Epistemic status: uncertain / confused rambling
For many dangerous capabilities, we'd like to make safety cases arguments that "the model will never do X under any circumstances".
Problem: for most normally-bad things, you'd usually be able to come up with hypothetical circumstances under which a reasonable person might agree it's justified. E.g. under utilitarianism, killing one person is justified if it saves five people (c.f. trolley problems).
Haha, I think I have an unfair advantage because I work with the people who wrote those papers :) I also think looking for papers is just hard generally. What you're doing here (writing about stuff that interests you in a place where it'll probably be seen by other like-minded people) is probably one of the better ways to find relevant information
Edit: Happy to set up a call also if you'd like to chat further! There are other interesting experiments in this space that could be done fairly easily
Some rough notes from Michael Aird's workshop on project selection in AI safety.
Introspection is really interesting! This example where language models respond with the HELLO pattern (and can say they do so) is actually just one example of language models being able to articulate their implicit goals, and more generally to out-of-context reasoning.
"Just ask the LM about itself" seems like a weirdly effective way to understand language models' behaviour.
There's lots of circumstantial evidence that LMs have some concept of self-identity.
My experience so far with writing all my notes in public.
For the past ~2 weeks I've been writing LessWrong shortform comments every day instead of writing on private notes. Minimally the notes just capture an interesting question / observation, but often I explore the question / observation further and relate it to other things. On good days I have multiple such notes, or especially high-quality notes.
I think this experience has been hugely positive, as it makes my thoughts more transparent and easier to share with others for feedback. The upvo...
Observation: Detecting unfaithful CoT here seems to require generating many hypotheses ("cues") about what underlying factors might influence the model's reasoning.
Is there a less-supervised way of doing this? Some ideas:
Hidden in Plain Text provides a model organism of steganography. How do they solve the challenges here?
Actually we don’t even need to train a new byte latent transformer. We can just generate patches using GPT-2 small.
Tbh I struggle with this too, and also have ADD tendencies
Some people here have recommended complete abstinence, but that’s almost never worked for me.
I think a better strategy is mindful consumption. Eg
The Pile was created from Reddit datasets between 2005 and 2020. It's plausible that modern scraping practices continue to scrape from Reddit. Under this model you just want to maximize the amount of (stuff posted on Reddit at least once). Multiple copies doesn't help since the Pile is subsequently de-duped
Feedback from Max:
Some ideas on model organisms of steganography.
Borrowing Max Nadeau's definition, steganography is when:
To satisfy condition 1, we need to choose tasks that are intrinsically difficult to do without CoT. Ideally, we'd also be able to verify whether the CoT was actually used. We could use:
Why patch tokenization might improve transformer interpretability, and concrete experiment ideas to test.
Recently, Meta released Byte Latent Transformer. They do away with BPE tokenization, and instead dynamically construct 'patches' out of sequences of bytes with approximately equal entropy. I think this might be a good thing for interpretability, on the whole.
Multi-token concept embeddings. It's known that transformer models compute 'multi-token embeddings' of concepts in their early layers. This process creates several challenges for interpr...
Hypothesis: 'Memorised' refusal is more easily jailbroken than 'generalised' refusal. If so that'd be a way we could test the insights generated by influence functions
I need to consult some people on whether a notion of 'more easily jailbreak-able prompt' exists.
Edit: A simple heuristic might be the value of N in best-of-N jailbreaking.
Introspection is an instantiation of 'Connecting the Dots'.
How does language model introspection work? What mechanisms could be at play?
'Introspection': When we ask a language model about its own capabilities, a lot of times this turns out to be a calibrated estimate of the actual capabilities. E.g. models 'know what they know', i.e. can predict whether they know answers to factual questions. Furthermore this estimate gets better when models have access to their previous (question, answer) pairs.
One simple hypothesis is that a language model simply infers the general level of capability from the ...
Can SAE feature steering improve performance on some downstream task? I tried using Goodfire's Ember API to improve Llama 3.3 70b performance on MMLU. Full report and code is available here.
SAE feature steering reduces performance. It's not very clear why at the moment, and I don't have time to do further digging right now. If I get time later this week I'll try visualizing which SAE features get used / building intuition by playing around in the Goodfire playground. Maybe trying a different task or improving the steering method would work also...
"Feature multiplicity" in language models.
This refers to the idea that there may be many representations of a 'feature' in a neural network.
Usually there will be one 'primary' representation, but there can also be a bunch of 'secondary' or 'dormant' representations.
If we assume the linear representation hypothesis, then there may be multiple direction in activation space that similarly produce a 'feature' in the output. E.g. the existence of 800 orthogonal steering vectors for code.
This is consistent with 'circuit formation' resulti...
Why understanding planning / search might be hard
It's hypothesized that, in order to solve complex tasks, capable models perform implicit search during the forward pass. If so, we might hope to be able to recover the search representations from the model. There are examples of work that try to understand search in chess models and Sokoban models.
However I expect this to be hard for three reasons.
A new paper claims that refusal isn't just a fixed direction in the activation stream, it's also due to specific attention heads. Pretty interesting to get a somewhat orthogonal perspective on 'safety mechanisms' in LLMs. Interesting follow-up would be to see whether you can similarly steer refusal by only intervening on these attention heads.
Comment from @James Chua in internal slack group
interesting idea! thanks for writing this out. this is my initial reaction, i may have more later on. i agree on this -- this is what i'll expect.
we’d expect that a model using its own chain of thought to arrive at an answer is likely to perform better than when using a different chain of thought, even if that chain of thought is provided by a more capable model.
but if the above is true, I'm unsure about evidence for steganography.
for example, gpt-4o is more capable than gpt-3.5. suppose we provid...
Summary of 'Alignment Faking'. Talk given by Evan Hubinger and Ryan Greenblatt today at Constellation
Key claim: Sufficiently capable models will act to preserve the moral values that are instilled into them early in the training process.
Setup: Give model access to a chain-of-thought scratchpad, which we tell the model will not be monitored, but which we do monitor
You get alignment faking by giving the model 2 key pieces of information in the system prompt:
Collection of how-to guides
Some other guides I'd be interested in
Communication channels as an analogy for language model chain of thought
Epistemic status: Highly speculative
In information theory, a very fundamental concept is that of the noisy communication channel. I.e. there is a 'sender' who wants to send a message ('signal') to a 'receiver', but their signal will necessarily get corrupted by 'noise' in the process of sending it. There are a bunch of interesting theoretical results that stem from analysing this very basic setup.
Here, I will claim that language model chain of thought is very analogous. The promp...
Note that “thinking through implications” for alignment is exactly the idea in deliberative alignment https://openai.com/index/deliberative-alignment/
Some notes
Report on an experiment in playing builder-breaker games with language models to brainstorm and critique research ideas
Today I had the thought: "What lessons does human upbringing have for AI alignment?"
Human upbringing is one of the best alignment systems that currently exist. Using this system we can take a bunch of separate entities (children) and ensure that, when they enter the world, they can become productive members of society. They respect ethical, societal, and legal norms and coexist peacefully. So what are we 'doing right' and how does...
At MATS today we practised “looking back on success”, a technique for visualizing and identifying positive outcomes.
The driving question was, “Imagine you’ve had a great time at MATS; what would that look like?”
My personal answers:
Is refusal a result of deeply internalised values, or memorization?
When we talk about doing alignment training on a language model, we often imagine the former scenario. Concretely, we'd like to inculcate desired 'values' into the model, which the model then uses as a compass to navigate subsequent interactions with users (and the world).
But in practice current safety training techniques may be more like the latter, where the language model has simply learned "X is bad, don't do X" for several values of X. E.g. because the alignment training da...
Implementing the 5 whys with Todoist
In 2025 I've decided I want to be more agentic / intentional about my life, i.e. my actions and habits should be more aligned with my explicit values.
A good way to do this might be the '5 whys' technique; i.e. simply ask "why" 5 times. This was originally introduced at Toyota to diagnose ultimate causes of error and improve efficiency. E.g:
Writing code is like writing notes
Confession, I don't really know software engineering. I'm not a SWE, have never had a SWE job, and the codebases I deal with are likely far less complex than what the average SWE deals with. I've tried to get good at it in the past, with partial success. There are all sorts of SWE practices which people recommend, some of which I adopt, and some of which I suspect are cargo culting (these two categories have nonzero overlap).
In the end I don't really know SWE well enough to tell what practices are good. But I think I...
Prover-verifier games as an alternative to AI control.
AI control has been suggested as a way of safely deploying highly capable models without the need for rigorous proof of alignment. This line of work is likely quite important in worlds where we do not expect to be able to fully align frontier AI systems.
The formulation depends on having access to a weaker, untrusted model. Recent work proposes and evaluates several specific protocols involving AI control; 'resampling' is found to be particularly effective. (Aside: this is consistent with 'en...
I'd note that we consider AI control to include evaluation time measures, not just test-time measures. (For instance, we consider adversarial evaluation of an untrusted monitor in the original control paper.)
(We also can model training from a black-box control perspective by being conservative about inductive biases. For supervised fine-tuning (with an assumption of no gradient hacking), we can assume that training forces the AI to perform well on average on tasks indistinguishable from the training distribution (and training on new data can also be considered evaluation). For RL the picture is more complex due to exploration hacking.)
Thanks for bringing this up!
I need to get around to writing up the connection between PVGs and AI control. There's definitely a lot of overlap, but the formalisms are fairly different and the protocols can't always be directly transferred from one to the other.
There are a few AI control projects in the works that make the connection between AI control and PVGs more explicitly.
EDIT: Oh actually @Ansh Radhakrishnan and I already wrote up some stuff about this, see here.
"Emergent obfuscation": A threat model for verifying the CoT in complex reasoning.
It seems likely we'll eventually deploy AI to solve really complex problems. It will likely be extremely costly (or impossible) to directly check outcomes, since we don't know the right answers ourselves. Therefore we'll rely instead on process supervision, e.g. checking that each step in the CoT is correct.
Problem: Even if each step in the CoT trace is individually verifiable, if there are too many steps, or the verification cost per step is too high, then it ma... (read more)