David Johnston

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When do you think is the right time to work in these issues? Monitoring, trust displacement and fine grained permission management all look liable to raise issues that weren’t anticipated and haven’t already been solved, because they’re not the way things have been done historically. My gut sense is that GPT4 performance is much lower when you’re asking it to do novel things. Maybe it’s also possible to make substantial gains with engineering and experimentation, but you’ll need a certain level of performance in order to experiment.

Some wild guesses: maybe the right time to start work is one generation before it’s feasible, and that might mean start now for fine grained permissions, gpt 4.5 for monitoring, gpt 5 for trust displacement.

The AI system builders’ time horizon seems to be a reasonable starting point

Nora and/or Quentin: you talk a lot about inductive biases of neural nets ruling scheming out, but I have a vague sense that scheming ought to happen in some circumstances - perhaps rather contrived, but not so contrived as to be deliberately inducing the ulterior motive. Do you expect this to be impossible? Can you propose a set of conditions you think sufficient to rule out scheming?

What in your view is the fundamental difference between world models and goals such that the former generalise well and the latter generalise poorly?

One can easily construct a model with a free parameter X and training data such that many choices of X will match the training data but results will diverge in situations not represented in the training data (for example, the model is a physical simulation and X tracks the state of some region in the simulation that will affect the learner’s environment later, but hasn’t done so during training). The simplest x_s could easily be wrong. We can even moralise the story: the model regards its job as predicting the output under x_s and if the world happens to operate according to some other x’ then the model doesn’t care. However it’s still going to be ineffective in the future where the value of X matters.

Another comment on timing updates: if you’re making a timing update for zoonosis vs DEFUSE, and you’re considering a long timing window w_z for zoonosis, then your prior for a DEFUSE leak needs to be adjusted for the short window w_d in which this work could conceivably cause a leak, so you end up with something like p(defuse_pandemic)/p(zoo_pandemic)= rr_d w_d/w_z, where rr_d is the riskiness of DEFUSE vs zoonosis per unit time. Then you make the “timing update” p(now |defuse_pandemic)/p(now |zoo_pandemic) = w_z/w_d and you’re just left with rr_d.

If your theory is: there is a lab leak from WIV while working on defuse derived work then I’ll buy that you can assign a high probability to time & place … but your prior will be waaaaaay below the prior on “lab leak, nonspecific” (which is how I was originally reading your piece).

You really think in 60% of cases where country A lifts a ban on funding gain of function research a pandemic starts in country B within 2 years? Same question for “warning published in Nature”.

If people now don’t have strong views about exactly what they want the world to look like in 1000 years but people in 1000 years do have strong views then I think we should defer to future people to evaluate the “human utility” of future states. You seem to be suggesting that we should take the views of people today, although I might be misunderstanding.

Edit: or maybe you’re saying that the AGI trajectory will be ~random from the point of view of the human trajectory due to a different ontology. Maybe, but different ontology -> different conclusions is less obvious to me than different data -> different conclusions. If there’s almost no mutual information between the different data then the conclusions have to be different, but sometimes you could come to the same conclusions under different ontologies w/data from the same process.

Given this assumption, the human utility function(s) either do or don't significantly depend on human evolutionary history. I'm just going to assume they do for now.

There seems to be a missing possibility here that I take fairly seriously, which is that human values depend on (collective) life history. That is: human values are substantially determined by collective life history, and rather than converging to some attractor this is a path dependent process. Maybe you can even trace the path taken back to evolutionary history, but it’s substantially mediated by life history.

Under this view, the utility of the future wrt human values depends substantially on whether, in the future, people learn to be very sensitive to outcome differences. But “people are sensitive to outcome differences and happy with the outcome” does not seem better to me than “people are insensitive to outcome differences and happy with the outcome” (this is a first impression; I could be persuaded otherwise), even though it’s higher utility, whereas “people are unhappy with the outcome” does seem worse than “people are happy with the outcome”.

Under this view, I don’t think this follows:

there is some dependence of human values on human evolutionary history, so that a default unaligned AGI would not converge to the same values

My reasoning is that a “default AGI” will have its values contingent on a process which overlaps with the collective life history that determines human values. This is a different situation to values directly determined by evolutionary history, where the process that determines human values is temporally distant and therefore perhaps more-or-less random from the point of view of the AGI. So there’s a compelling reason to believe in value differences in the “evolution history directly determines values” case that’s absent in the “life history determines values” case.

Different values are still totally plausible, of course - I’m objecting to the view that we know they’ll be different.

(Maybe you think this is all an example of humans not really having values, but that doesn’t seem right to me).

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