All of Deku-shrub's Comments + Replies

I know the guy running the githug repo and his sources, that'll do me for now.

Worse case scenario I'd take it over entirely.

I guess the definition of "rationalist community" has grown too far, and now means more or less "anyone who seems smart and either pays lip service to reason or is a friend with the right people".

If you really think that you should add the definition here:

I'm not sure how others have been using the word

Please read the article for plenty of examples and get back to me how your view compares or differentiates!

Regarding setting up a gaming server, that seems like something feasible to spin off the Slack or Discord chats. If you're a gamer, Discord is pretty cool an I recommend it. (I was once a gamer like you but I decided I was wasting my life so waste my life writing wikis instead ;) )

Developing the most important ideas would fall under 'rationalist research'.

How's my write up?

What are your thoughts on the most agreeable umbrella term?

I don't think there's a biggest of deals, and I'm not sure how others have been using the word, but since the point of the umbrella term is specifically to encompass people who wouldn't identify as a rationalist, using "rationalistphere" seems odd. (rationalsphere, rationalitysphere and rational-o-sphere all seem fine) (I also wouldn't use it as something analogous to the rationality movement, since it's specifically a superset of the rationality movement)


I've captured the key info for future expansion but I don't have the time to dive the entire list myself, so understanding notable people, conversations and activities would be greatly appreciated!

I have written the most comprehensive high-level history of transhumanism and I would love to flesh out these earlier days better. Grab me on Slack or did you prefer some other channel?

0Gordon Seidoh Worley
Actually I wasn't already on LW Slack so waiting on an invite (messaged Elo as described in the wiki).
0Gordon Seidoh Worley
Yeah, Slack is fine. I'm not usually on it but I can be. We'll coordinate further there.

That would be an insane amount of work

Not at all. Once you're familiar with syntax, it's far less work than creating e.g. an original article summary for instance.

It'll be at, assuming the community decides it's worth switching. It's a more modern codebase, which will allow us to add in new moderation tools and be more responsive in several ways.
The linked post says: "I'm starting work on Arbital 2.0. It's going to be a (micro-)blogging platform" As far as I know that's what's public at the moment.

I got this this doc from the facebook group. I urgently need to find out if this can merge to the wiki or is going to be a hard forked doc

Could you integrate some of you ideas with the wiki definition I've been working on? :)

It's definitely a development on the idea of social stagnation yes. Arguablely a plot point of the 'Dune' prequels.

The arguments are mostly unrebutted still, no matter what zealots think :(

Definitely some good points there I need to add.

Dune Prequels? Cool. I didn't know there were any.

Pretty much, but I advocate this only in an opt-in, accountable fashion. Or as we say in the IT industry - user acceptance. :)

I am posting here to karma-whore, so that I may one day allowed to actually contribute to the community!

I run H+Pedia the wiki of transhumanism and futurism which has been a great ongoing project to map out everything from emerging technology developments through to political and ideological advocacy in this space.

I'm also a cybercrime researcher, so my life is rather cyberpunk.

Asking me to sum up the current state of the H+ movement is tricky because I track the entire thing on H+Pedia.

Atheism is growing very strong, due to the influence of Zoltan Istvan, where as I believe Aubrey de Grey is toning down some of his immortalist rhetoric in favour of alternative terms like "Regenerative Medicine" and the like.

There are all kinds of trends I could comment on.

Thanks for links!

Immortality comes with all kinds of definitions, literal immortality sounds more of a type-X civilization problem to me :)

Immortalism is losing popularity within H+ due to its popular interpretation as 'forced immortality', a trope well explored in fiction. :/

And what is gaining traction? To become a God using FAI?